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The Carnegie Corporation of New York

The Carnegie Corporation of New York invited Margarita Calderón and Associates to develop a professional development program in Kuai, Hawaii, in collaboration with middle and high school teachers working with ELs and struggling readers. After two years, the lowest-performing schools piloted:

  1. Met annual yearly progress and their annual measurement achievement objectives
  2. Achieved high-performing status
  3. Outperformed the island’s highest-performing districts

Carnegie then invited Margarita Calderón and Associates to work in schools in New York City. After only two years, Middle School 319 was recognized as the most improved school and named #1 school in New York City.

What’s Next?

This year, ExC-ELL and their partners at George Washington University received the coveted funding award from USDOE-OELA Professional Development Grant for further study, refinement, and implementation of ExC-ELL in Virginia for the next five years.