Find the perfect book (among a list of 300+, all organized by subject area and grade level) to accompany a lesson on different cultures, compliments of The Global Education Toolkit for Elementary Learners. (Elementary)
Find the perfect book (among a list of 300+, all organized by subject area and grade level) to accompany a lesson on different cultures, compliments of The Global Education Toolkit for Elementary Learners. (Elementary)
In this episode of The Balance, Catlin Tucker, author of Balance With Blended Learning, talks with Tiffany Wycoff, and the issues related to the balance or, more accurately, the imbalance of power and responsibility in classrooms, the current role many students occupy as passive consumers, the need to model a growth mindset for our students, and more.
This project planner from Keep It Real With PBL, Secondary by Jennifer Pieratt gives you a place to organize your thoughts and start to make some connections.
This template from Balance with Blended Learning by Catlin R. Tucker will help you direct ongoing self-assessment.
This template from Balance with Blended Learning by Catlin R. Tucker gives students a form to look at goals and assess growth over time.
This template from Balance With Blended Learning by Catlin Tucker for SMART Goal Setting, will help you set goals for grading that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.
This resource from Real Talk About Time Management will help teachers organize their classroom.
In this excerpt from The Teacher Credibility and Collective Efficacy Playbook by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Dominque Smith, the authors define and explain how to use teacher credibility.
In this free excerpt, the authors lay the groundwork for visible learning in social studies.
In this resource from Start With the Heart author Michelle Trujillo, you'll discover critical behaviors for self-care to do during distance education, in order to effectively care for ourselves and others.
This excerpt from Visible Learning for Social Studies covers feedback strategies to use in the classroom.
This excerpt includes examples of surface, deep, and transfer strategies for geography in Visible Learning for Social Studies.