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153 Results Found for "CF2"


The Balance Podcast
The Balance Podcast

In this episode of The Balance, Catlin Tucker, author of Balance With Blended Learning, talks with Tiffany Wycoff, and the issues related to the balance or, more accurately, the imbalance of power and responsibility in classrooms, the current role many students occupy as passive consumers, the need to model a growth mindset for our students, and more.


Student-Led Conference Form
Student-Led Conference Form

This template from Balance with Blended Learning by Catlin R. Tucker gives students a form to look at goals and assess growth over time.


SMART Goal Setting
SMART Goal Setting

This template from Balance With Blended Learning by Catlin Tucker for SMART Goal Setting, will help you set goals for grading that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.


Laying the Groundwork for Visible Learning
Laying the Groundwork for Visible Learning

In this free excerpt, the authors lay the groundwork for visible learning in social studies.




Educator SEL Self-Care Behaviors During Distance Education
Educator SEL Self-Care Behaviors During Distance Education

In this resource from Start With the Heart author Michelle Trujillo, you'll discover critical behaviors for self-care to do during distance education, in order to effectively care for ourselves and others.


Feedback Strategies
Feedback Strategies

This excerpt from Visible Learning for Social Studies covers feedback strategies to use in the classroom.



Examples of Surface, Deep, and Transfer Strategies in Geography
Examples of Surface, Deep, and Transfer Strategies in Geography

This excerpt includes examples of surface, deep, and transfer strategies for geography in Visible Learning for Social Studies.


