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153 Results Found for "CF5"


5 Stats that Will Change the Way You Teach Girls 
5 Stats that Will Change the Way You Teach Girls 

"Girls’ lives are hard and, let’s face it, adults don’t really understand what girls are going through.  Sure, we might know what it’s like to be a teenager, to struggle with academic or family issues, or to deal with complicated friendships or relationships. But we don’t know what it is like to be a girl today—trying to figure herself out, getting ridiculed and judged on social media, constantly comparing herself to others, never quite feeling good enough, and so afraid to fail that she is plagued with stress and anxiety on a daily basis." Read the full post on Corwin Connect.

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Webinar: The Poverty Problem—The Impact of Poverty on Learning and the Brain
Webinar: The Poverty Problem—The Impact of Poverty on Learning and the Brain

Presented by Voyager Sopris. Horacio Sanchez discusses how poverty is the single most significant event impacting education today. The brain transformations resulting from poverty speak to the heart of the academic and behavioral issues schools seek to overcome. The neuroscience of poverty provides a clear picture of why academic and behavioral problems occur in relation to poverty and how to design a more precise response to best address the issues.

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Rebound & Leading the Rebound Book Study Discussion Guide
Rebound & Leading the Rebound Book Study Discussion Guide

Download this book study discussion guide for Rebound Leading the Rebound for leader and participant book study tips, plus printable worksheets for the whole staff.


Podcast: 5 Habits to Peak Performance
Podcast: 5 Habits to Peak Performance

Listen in on this podcast from Shift for Wellness with Peak Performing Teacher author Mike Kuczala. In the podcast, he uncovers 5 key habits for improving your performance.

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Podcast: The Imperative of SEL with John and Jessica Hannigan
Podcast: The Imperative of SEL with John and Jessica Hannigan

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, the authors of SEL From a Distance speak from their own experience about how important social-emotional learning (SEL) is for students, teachers, and school leaders.

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Podcast: High Expectations and Authenticity With Debbie Silver
Podcast: High Expectations and Authenticity With Debbie Silver

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, power house speaker and author Debbie Silver joins Peter DeWitt to talk about the importance of reaching students with authenticity and empowering them with high expectations.

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BAM Education Radio Podcast, Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: A Shortlist of What Still Works and What Rarely Does
BAM Education Radio Podcast, Teaching Middle Schoolers in 2022: A Shortlist of What Still Works and What Rarely Does

Serena Pariser joins BAM Education Radio Podcast to talk about what middle schoolers need and what qualities make middle school teachers effective.

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10 Minute Teacher Podcast: Rebound, How Do Schools Bounce Back After the Pandemic?
10 Minute Teacher Podcast: Rebound, How Do Schools Bounce Back After the Pandemic?

Douglas Fisher reflects on the book Rebound and how we can shift from learning loss to how we can accelerate learning. 

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Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, Rethinking Schools
Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, Rethinking Schools

In this Rebound webinar, presenters Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith demonstrate how to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reboot teaching and learning as we know it so we can move forward with fresh optimism and better systems for schooling.

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Reinvesting & Rebounding: Where Evidence Points for Accelerating Learning
Reinvesting & Rebounding: Where Evidence Points for Accelerating Learning

Join John Almarode, John Hattie, Nancy Frey, and AASA Associate Executive Director of Advocacy and Governance Noelle Ellerson Ng for a discussion of what it will take to bring our schools back stronger than ever and reimagine teaching and learning for a brighter future.

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