Excerpted from Thinking Through Project-Based Learning, this list of over 75 project ideas—complete with guiding questions and grade ranges—is a great resource for getting started. (K-12)
Excerpted from Thinking Through Project-Based Learning, this list of over 75 project ideas—complete with guiding questions and grade ranges—is a great resource for getting started. (K-12)
Try out these screencasting tools from Creating Media for Learning if you want to learn how to make quality instructional videos.
Compliments of Creating Media for Learning, find here four easy e-book tools for helping students showcase what they know.
Get started with QR Codes, Augmented Reality, and other scannable technology in your classroom with this handy graphic from Deeper Learning Through QR Codes and Augmented Reality.
Try out these three instructional strategies on leveraging movement from Marcia Tate's Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites. (K-12)
In this activity from Energizing Brain Breaks, students move their thumbs in different directions at the same time, which forces the brain to think two things at the same time. (K-12)
In this activity from Energizing Brain Breaks, each student moves a piece of paper around his/her waist without grabbing it. (K-12)
In this activity from Energizing Brain Breaks, one partner twists another partner's arms so that his/her brain really has to think to decide what finger to move.
This lesson from The Education Revolution is designed to help teachers introduce the concept of mental shift in a manner that increases student participation.
Excerpted from The Education Revolution, this lesson groups brain-based learning strategies for increasing the rate of recall and retention more efficiently.
Use these strategies from Developing Expert Learners to present misconceptions, paradoxes, metaphors, and different models to evoke dissonance in your students and test and challenge their prior knowledge.
Use this self-reflection tool from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson with your students and help them discover what gets in the way of being their best selves and how they can further develop themselves.