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54 Results Found for "Professional Learning"


Seizing Equity’s Teachable Moments
Seizing Equity’s Teachable Moments

This blog post from Sonia Caus Gleason, author of Growing Into Equity, discusses how to advance equity through professional learning.  


Webinar: Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times
Webinar: Digital Leadership: Changing Paradigms for Changing Times

The educational landscape is evolving, thanks to continuous advances in technology and a changing learner. As a result, educators must recognize this shift, anticipate needed changes, and lead by example if we’re to meet the diverse needs of key stakeholders in the 21st Century. Watch Eric Sheninger, author of Digital Leadership, to learn how to harness the power of today’s digital tools and social media to improve communications, enhance public relations, establish a brand presence, increase student engagement, transform learning spaces, discover opportunity, and grow professionally like never before.

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Bad at Math? Book Study Guide
Bad at Math? Book Study Guide

In this book study guide for Bad at Math?, participants will have the opportunity to learn about and incorporate effective praise into their teaching, consider ways to support the idea that we are all math people, and much more. Every book study group or professional learning community is different and unique. If you are formally facilitating a book study group, this is meant to serve you as a guide, but you should feel free to make it your own and tailor it to the group you are facilitating.


Introducing the Leaders in Our Study
Introducing the Leaders in Our Study

We were privileged to learn from a diverse group of teachers, administrators, former leadership students, and other professionals in the field. Our hope was not, per se, to generate a book of best practices culled from the most successful, most accomplished justice-centering leaders out there (although we do, we are happy to report, get to recount many promising strategies and approaches!). Rather, we were interested in learning from leaders across the widest possible range of perspectives, identities, experiences, roles, geographies, and ways of knowing that we could at the time.

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Webinar: What Impact School Leadership Looks Like
Webinar: What Impact School Leadership Looks Like

Learn from Ray and Julie Smith, authors of Impact Coaching, how leaders can improve leadership impact by more strategically allocating professional leadership time and resources. 

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