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220 Results Found for "literacy"


Deeper Learning & Disciplinary Literacy Chart
Deeper Learning & Disciplinary Literacy Chart

Post this chart from This Is Disciplinary Literacy to help you remember and make the connection between deeper learning and disciplinary literacy daily. (Secondary)


Webinar: Visible Learning for Literacy (Sept 2016)
Webinar: Visible Learning for Literacy (Sept 2016)

Hear from Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, authors of Visible Learning for Literacy, Grades K-12, the learning conditions needed as students go from surface learning, to deeper learning and transfer. 

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Webinar: Why the ELA Standards ARE Important
Webinar: Why the ELA Standards ARE Important

Find out from Jim Burke, author of The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded (Grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12), how you can use the standards, whether Common Core or state-specific, promote best ELA practices.

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Kathy Glass' Designing Quality Units Aligned to the ELA Common Core State Standards Webinar
Kathy Glass' Designing Quality Units Aligned to the ELA Common Core State Standards Webinar

Learn from Kathy Glass how to use ELA CC Standards to create rigorous, concept-driven curriculum. 

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Webinar: Close Reading Up Close
Webinar: Close Reading Up Close

Join Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, authors of the bestselling Rigorous Reading, as they articulate an instructional plan to support reading instruction within K-12 classrooms. 

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Webinar: When is it Best to Teach to the Test?
Webinar: When is it Best to Teach to the Test?

Explore with Jim Burke the ways educators can prepare students for Common Core Assessments without undermining daily instruction. 

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Fisher & Frey's Close and Critical Reading Webinar
Fisher & Frey's Close and Critical Reading Webinar

Hear from Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey about their one-of-a-kind coaching platform for making proficient reading the next PD initiative across all K-12 classrooms. 

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Webinar: Mindsets and Moves to Inspire Independent Reading
Webinar: Mindsets and Moves to Inspire Independent Reading

Explore with Gravity Goldberg, author of Mindsets and Moves, what deters independent readers and what teachers can do to better support their students.

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