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220 Results Found for "literacy"


The Thrill of Accelerating Comprehension in Any Setting
The Thrill of Accelerating Comprehension in Any Setting

In this webinar, co-authors of Comprehension Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nicole Law discuss how to motivate and engage your readers with a new, unifying framework for reading comprehension. 

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Dr. Douglas Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey: Texts and Text Complexity
Dr. Douglas Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey: Texts and Text Complexity

In this episode on the All About Literacy podcast, co-authors of Comprehension Dr. Doug Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey talk about the connections between text selection, text complexity, disciplinary literacy, and adolescent learning.

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EdWeek Webinar: Measuring Student Learning in Any Setting
EdWeek Webinar: Measuring Student Learning in Any Setting

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Vince Bustamante, and John Hattie draw on The Assessment Playbook for Distance and Blended Learning to discuss how assessments implemented through the lens of distance and hybrid learning can yield significant impact for student achievement, both in the pandemic teaching of today, and in the educational contexts of the future.

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EdWeek Webinar, Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting
EdWeek Webinar, Distance Learning Up Close: Teaching for Engagement and Impact in Any Setting

John Hattie, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey talk the Distance Learning Playbook to talk about teaching, assessing, and planning in the online classroom. 

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Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast: Developing and Delivering High Quality Distance Learning for Students
Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast: Developing and Delivering High Quality Distance Learning for Students

Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey talk with Andrea Samadi about The Distance Learning Playbook

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The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast: A 4-Part Distance Learning Instructional Framework that Works
The 10 Minute Teacher Podcast: A 4-Part Distance Learning Instructional Framework that Works

The Distance Learning Playbook author Doug Fisher talks how to schedule break-out rooms, practice time, and other hard-to-manage areas of distance learning

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Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast, Nancy Frey: The Distance Learning Playbook
Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast, Nancy Frey: The Distance Learning Playbook

Nancy Frey talks with Daniel Bauer about The Distance Learning Playbook on topics including pivoting during a crisis, building relationships when at a distance, and future proofing students. 

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Webinar: Going Deeper with Distance Learning
Webinar: Going Deeper with Distance Learning

In this webinar, Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie discuss cohesive instructional design tools powered by formative evaluation, tools for supporting school leaders working at a distance, and ways to deepen partnerships between home and school

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Podcast: 3Ps in a Pod, Distance Learning with Dr. Doug Fisher
Podcast: 3Ps in a Pod, Distance Learning with Dr. Doug Fisher

Doug Fisher talk with 3Ps hosts Mary and Angelia about the creation of The Distance Learning Playbook, which he wrote with Nancy Frey and John Hattie.

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