academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookLiteracy Is NOT Enough21st Century Fluencies for the Digital AgeLee Crockett, Ian Jukes, Andrew ChurchesPublished: October 2011 PaperbackElectronic Version Ordering options $39.95
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookGetting It RightAligning Technology Initiatives for Measurable Student ResultsIan Jukes, Matt McClure, Randolph MacLeanPublished: September 2011Paperback $33.95
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookLiving on the Future EdgeWindows on TomorrowTed McCain, Ian Jukes, Lee CrockettPublished: September 2010Paperback $39.95
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookUnderstanding the Digital GenerationTeaching and Learning in the New Digital LandscapeIan Jukes, Ted McCain, Lee CrockettPublished: February 2010 PaperbackElectronic Version Ordering options $39.95