Small Districts, Big Problems
Making School Everybody's House
- Richard A. Schmuck - University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
- Patricia A. Schmuck - Lewis and Clark College, Oregon
July 1992 | 200 pages | Corwin
The authors of this volume visited 25 small school districts in the US to meet, observe and interview students, teachers, principals and administrators. Here they present research that connects with reality. Through their fascinating description of the physical and educational landscape, the authors capture life in nonurban schools `as it is', and present information that is brutally honest. They provide the beginnings of a road map to help small, nonurban districts and communities begin their own journey on the road to better schools.
Paul Nachtigal
The Troubled House Divided
Pursuing Academic Excellence
Getting Beyond Bittersweet Belonging
Moving Toward Instructional Leadership
Becoming Community Leaders
School Boards
Forging Links to Parents and Community
Restoring the Dream of a United House
Blueprints for Action