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Theresa Ann Roberts

Theresa Roberts is currently a professor of child development at California State University, Sacramento. She has published studies on early literacy development with a focus on children who are learning English as a second language in journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Educational Psychology, and Contemporary Educational Psychology. Her research interests include alphabet and vocabulary learning, classroom instruction experiments, and family engagement.

Tatyana Kleyn

Tatyana Kleyn is an assistant professor at the City College of New York in the Bilingual Education and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) program. In 2007 she received an EdD from Teachers College, Columbia University in international educational development, with a specialization in bilingual/bicultural education.

Peggy A. Hammeken

Peggy Hammeken began her career as an elementary teacher in the American Embassy School in Mexico City. Upon return to the United States, she taught students in the areas of specific learning disabilities, mental retardation, and emotional/behavior disorders. With the implementation of inclusive education, she was involved with the set-up of inclusive programs and staff development and training for educators and paraprofessionals. She has authored three books on the subject.

Lorraine O. Moore

Lorraine O. Moore has taught at the elementary and middle school levels, was a counselor in a middle school and high school, and was a school psychologist at all levels in both public and private schools. Moore was an instructor and adjunct associate professor in the counseling and psychology graduate education programs at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, MN) and at St. Mary’s College Graduate Center in Minneapolis, MN.

Jody L. Maanum

Jody L. Maanum has taught in both the general and special education settings for 13 years, working diligently to implement best practice techniques and differentiated strategies to meet the individual needs of all students. Maanum is currently the literacy coach and Response to Intervention training specialist for the Midwest Special Education Cooperative in West Central Minnesota.
