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Definitions and Conceptions of Giftedness

Definitions and Conceptions of Giftedness

Edited by:

March 2004 | 208 pages | Corwin

The expert guide to the conceptualization of giftedness and talent!

At last, the most predominant and compelling theories on the specific nature of giftedness and talent are available in a single volume! With the wealth of hands-on research in Definitions and Conceptions of Giftedness, the reader will gain a clearer conception of what it means to be gifted.

Key features include:

  • Robert J. Sternberg's insightful coverage of the critical developments and lingering questions educators must address in order to make more informed decisions about student placements
  • Thirteen influential articles from leading researchers and educators in the field of gifted education
  • Profiles of gifted and talented students and suggestions for expanding conventional notions of giftedness

Explore the multiple faces of giftedness and talent, learn about the validity of available assessments, and discover the numerous opportunities educators have to foster the development of giftedness and talent in its many forms.

The ERGE Series:

The National Association for Gifted Children series Essential Readings in Gifted Education is a 12-volume collection of seminal articles from Gifted Child Quarterly. Put the knowledge and power of more than 25 years of research on giftedness and talent into your hands with the leading theories, studies, and findings the experts in the field have to offer.

About the Editors
Sally M. Reis
Series Introduction
Robert J. Sternberg
Introduction to Definitions and Conceptions of Giftedness
A. Harry Passow
1. The Nature of Giftedness and Talent
Robert J. Sternberg, Li-fang Zhang
2. What Do We Mean by Giftedness? A Pentagonal Implicit Theory
Nancy Ewald Jackson
3. Moving Into the Mainstream? Reflections on the Study of Giftedness
Bruce M. Shore, Arlene C. Dover
4. Metacognition, Intelligence and Giftedness
Mark A. Runco
5. Divergent Thinking, Creativity and Giftedness
Robert J. Sternberg
6. Wisdom as a Form of Giftedness
Francoys Gagné
7. Giftedness and Talent: Reexamining a Reexamination of the Definitions
George T. Betts, Maureen Neihart
8. Profiles of the Gifted and Talented
Herbert J. Walberg, Shiow-Ling Tsai, Thomas Weinstein, Cynthia L. Gabriel, Sue Pinzur Rasher, Teresa Rosecrans, Evangelina Rovai, Judith Ide, Miguel Trujillo, and Peter Vukosavich
9. Childhood Traits and Environmental Conditions of Highly Eminent Adults
Michael M. Piechowski, Nicholas Colangelo
10. Developmental Potential of the Gifted
David Henry Feldman
11. Child Prodigies: A Distinctive Form of Giftedness
Frances Degen Horowitz
12. A Developmental View of Giftedness
Jonathan A. Plucker, Carolyn M. Callahan, and Ellen M. Tomchin
13. Wherefore Art Thou, Multiple Intelligences? Alternative Assessments for Identifying Talent in Ethnically Diverse and Low Income Students

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ISBN: 9781412904278

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