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128 Results Found for "Mathematics"


Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix
Classroom Formative Assessment Matrix

Learn how to use this Matrix featured in Realizing Rigor to refine strategies and select student actions. (Secondary)

Counting Backward Lesson
Counting Backward Lesson

Using Audrey & Bruce Wood's book Ten Little Fish, students learn to count backward from 10 by 1s, a precursor for subtraction. This lesson appears in Numbers & Stories. (Elementary)

What Productive Struggle Is and Isn't
What Productive Struggle Is and Isn't

This free resource from Productive Math Struggle outlines how teachers can identify what is and isn't productive struggle. 



Productive Struggle Look-Fors
Productive Struggle Look-Fors

This resource from Produtive Math Struggle presents a productive struggle walkthrough tool for teacher behaviors, student behaviors, or both.



Productive Struggle Self-Inventory
Productive Struggle Self-Inventory

This resource from Productive Math Struggle gives teachers a self inventory survey to assess where they are with productive struggle.




The foreword from Productive Math Struggle by Matt Larson introduces the topic of productive struggle and why it should be used in the classroom.



Talk Moves for Math Discussions
Talk Moves for Math Discussions

This excerpt from The Five Practices in Practice, High School, provides 'talk moves' designed to engage students in class discussions.



Pre-Assessment Strategies
Pre-Assessment Strategies

These pre-assessment strategies from Every Math Learner, Grades 6-12, will help to better prepare your students for an exam.




Think Dots
Think Dots

This free resource from Every Math Learner, Grades K-5, explains the Think Dots strategy, which is best used to develop and assess understandings of math embedded in skills.



Tool Kit for Families
Tool Kit for Families

This toolkit provides activities that you can share with your students' families as an entire set or one activity at a time.



Commonly Used Notation in Elementary School That Needs Attention
Commonly Used Notation in Elementary School That Needs Attention

This table from The Math Pact, Elementary by Karen S. Karp, Barbara J. Dougherty, and Sarah B. Bush outlines notation in elementary school that needs attention and what they can be replaced with. 


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Instructional lessons and units: Don’ts and dos to remember
Instructional lessons and units: Don’ts and dos to remember

This table from The Math Pact, Elementary by Karen S. Karp, Barbara J. Dougherty, and Sarah B. Bush outlines Instructional lessons and units: Don’ts and dos to remember. 


