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21 Results Found for "Professional Learning"


Webinar: PLC+: The Plus is YOU
Webinar: PLC+: The Plus is YOU

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Almarode, authors of PLC+, discuss how they place student learning, effective teaching, and a focus on equity at the heart of what we all strive to accomplish. Learn how PLC+ provides a framework for the planning and implementation of student learning, teacher professional learning, and cycles of assessment and reflection that direct next steps.

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Webinar: Adaptive Expertise and Professional Learning
Webinar: Adaptive Expertise and Professional Learning

Deidre Le Fevre and Kaye Twyford will explain what adaptive expertise is, how it works, why it helps create change and improvement in complex learning environments, and how it can be applied in your own context. 

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Webinar: Power Up Blended Learning
Webinar: Power Up Blended Learning

In this webinar, Catlin Tucker, author of Power Up Blended Learning, provides an overview of a blended learning coaching cycle designed to support teachers from goal setting to implementation to reflection.

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Webinar: Supporting Your Staff During Distance Teaching
Webinar: Supporting Your Staff During Distance Teaching

Teachers are facing unprecedented challenges as schools close and learning shifts to online environments. During this time of intense upheaval and isolation, it is critical that school and district leaders provide teachers with ongoing opportunities to rapidly re-establish connections with their peers so that they can collectively approach these challenges. Join Sonja Hollins-Alexander, Director of Professional Learning at Corwin and author of "Online Professional Development Through Virtual Learning Communities", as she shares practical strategies of how to combine well-designed online professional learning with the energy of peer-to-peer collaboration. Discover how to create a community of professional learning through virtual options in this exclusive webinar.

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Webinar: Fostering Collective Efficacy
Webinar: Fostering Collective Efficacy

Learn from Jenni Donohoo, author of Collective Efficacy, exactly what collective efficacy is and why it has such a profound impact on student achievement.

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Webinar: Instructional Coaching
Webinar: Instructional Coaching

Join Jim Knight, author of Instructional Coaching, to learn ways to encourage teachers to enroll in instructional coaching and summer strategies to prepare for the upcoming school year. 

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Webinar: Where Equity Fits In to PLC+
Webinar: Where Equity Fits In to PLC+

Join Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey, authors of PLC+in this webinar focused on the PLC+ structure’s cross-cutting value of equity, which marries concept with action to change the trajectory of student learning.

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Webinar: Leading School Teams
Webinar: Leading School Teams

Hear firsthand from David Horton, author of Leading School Teams, how a powerhouse team can achieve four years of growth in a single calendar year.

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Webinar: Collaborating to Achieve Excellence
Webinar: Collaborating to Achieve Excellence

Discover from Jenni Donohoo, author of Collective Efficacy, what matters most in raising student achievement. 

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