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Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design

June 2019 | 216 pages | Corwin
What makes a powerful and results-driven Professional Learning Community (PLC)? The answer is collaborative work that expands the emphasis on student learning and leverages individual teacher efficacy into collective teacher efficacy. 

PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design calls for strong and effective PLCs plus—and that plus is YOU. Until now, the PLC movement has been focused almost exclusively on students and what they were or were not learning.  But keeping student learning at the forefront requires that we also recognize the vital role that you play in the equation of teaching and learning. This means that PLCs must take on two additional challenges: maximizing your individual expertise, while harnessing the power of the collaborative expertise you can develop with your peers. 

PLC+ is grounded in four cross-cutting themes—a focus on equity of access and opportunity, high expectations for all students, a commitment to building individual self-efficacy and the collective efficacy of the professional learning community and effective team activation and facilitation to move from discussion to action. The PLC+ framework supports educators in considering five essential questions as they work together to improve student learning:  
  1. Where are we going?
  2. Where are we now?
  3. How do we move learning forward?
  4. What did we learn today?
  5. Who benefited and who did not benefit?

The PLC+ framework leads educators to question practices as well as outcomes. It broadens the focus on student learning to encompass educational equity and teaching efficacy, and, in doing so, it leads educators to plan and implement learning communities that maximize individual expertise while harnessing the power of collaborative efficacy.

List of Videos
About the Authors
So What Is a PLC?

The Story Behind PLCs

Adding the Examination of Teaching Practice to the PLC Story

The Five Key Questions

What You Will Find in This Book

1. PLC+: The Plus Is YOU
Teacher Credibility and Efficacy: The Foundation of the Strong PLC+

Facilitating Collaboration: Making the Plus Count

Building Collective Efficacy

The Hope for the PLC+


2. Question 1: Where Are We Going?
The Story Behind the Question

A PLC+ Team in Action

Analyzing the Standard(s)/Curriculum Expectations

The Role of Teacher Clarity in “Where Are We Going?”

Developing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

It’s Not Just High School English

Moving Beyond a Single Day

Autonomy in Teaching

The Professional Learning of a PLC+


3. Question 2: Where Are We Now?
The Story Behind the Question

A PLC+ Team in Action

Deficit Thinking

Initial Assessments

Analyzing for Equity Gaps

Data Collection

Data Analysis Protocols

Addressing Bias in Data Collection and Analysis

Identifying the Common Challenge


4. Question 3: How Do We Move Learning Forward?
The Story Behind the Question

A PLC+ Team in Action

Evidence-Based Instructional Practices

Assignment Analysis

Compensatory and Adaptive Approaches

Moving Teacher Learning Forward

Learning Walks

Using Microteaching to Improve Teaching and Learning


5. Question 4: What Did We Learn Today?
The Story Behind the Question

A PLC+ Team in Action


Expert Noticing

Common Assessments as Triggers for Reflection

Determining Impact of Instruction

Progress Versus Achievement


6. Question 5: Who Benefited and Who Did Not Benefit?
The Story Behind the Question

A PLC+ Team in Action

Equity Audit

Response to Intervention

Universal Screening and Ongoing Assessment

High-Quality Tier 1 Instruction

Supplemental and Intensive Interventions

Meeting the Needs of All Learners

The Professional Learning of PLC+


7. The Next Question in the PLC+ Framework
After the Fifth Question

Beyond a Single PLC+


Free resources

Teaching and Learning Podcast: Leveraging PLCs for Equity

Teaching and Learning Podcast: Leveraging PLCs for Equity

Professor Douglas Fisher, co-author of PLC+, dives into the elements of Professional Learning Communities and what actually makes them effective.

Listen Now

Webinar: Where Equity Fits In to PLC+

Webinar: Where Equity Fits In to PLC+

Join Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey, authors of PLC+in this webinar focused on the PLC+ structure’s cross-cutting value of equity, which marries concept with action to change the trajectory of student learning.

Watch now

Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy

Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy

In this excerpt from PLC+, the authors discuss factors that can contribute to an individual teacher’s success, including credibility and efficacy, and how, through PLCs, these strengths can become collective to benefit the school as a whole.


The Hope for PLC+

The Hope for PLC+

In this excerpt from PLC+, the authors discuss their hope for the PLC+ model and what they see as the future of PLCs.  


PLC+ Learning Walks

PLC+ Learning Walks

This excerpt from PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design emphasizes that the heartbeat of a PLC+ rests in the quality time members invest in one another engaged in inquiry of their practices, which may be accomplished through such practices as Learning Walks.


Webinar: PLC+: The Plus is YOU

Webinar: PLC+: The Plus is YOU

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Almarode, authors of PLC+, discuss how they place student learning, effective teaching, and a focus on equity at the heart of what we all strive to accomplish. Learn how PLC+ provides a framework for the planning and implementation of student learning, teacher professional learning, and cycles of assessment and reflection that direct next steps.

Watch Now

Key features

This book is about developing strong and effective PLCs, but this challenge is impossible without the next part of the story—the plus: supporting teachers in knowing what to do in the context of individual and collective efficacy, expectations, equity and the facilitation of learning, both for students and for staff.  We hold the following beliefs about the structure and function of teams as they work collaboratively to improve student learning:

  1. We must keep the equity of access and opportunity to learn at the forefront of each PLC+ collaborative team meeting.
  2. We must ensure that the dialogue provoked by the five questions is facilitated in such a way that the work of the PLC+ is not hindered or impeded.
  3. We must develop learning experiences that make our expectations for learning clear to all students.

The collaborative work of the PLC+ should leverage teachers’ individual efficacy into collective teacher efficacy. Honoring each of these beliefs requires deliberate practice and intentionality. In the following chapters we address how PLC’s can address each of the five guiding questions that drive the work:

  1. Where are we going?
  2. Where are we now?
  3. How do we move learning forward?
  4. What did we learn today?
  5. Who benefited and who did not benefit?

But before we engage in these questions, we need to take a moment and consider the ingredients that make up a strong PLC.

Sample Materials & Chapters

Table of Contents


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ISBN: 9781544361796

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