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21 Results Found for "bilingual"


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Webinar: Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners' Success
Webinar: Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners' Success

Anyone invested in the future of our English learners—and we hope that’s all of you!--you won’t want to miss this. Join this once-of-a-lifetime collaboration of the field’s top practitioners and authors of Breaking Down the Wall as they discuss nine essential shifts for delivering on the promise of our English learners. 

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Culturally Responsive Strategies for English Learners
Culturally Responsive Strategies for English Learners

This blog post outlines three ways to leverage collectivism to support long-term ELs make progress and work towards Preventing Long-Term ELs


Engage Every Teacher in Raising EL Achievement
Engage Every Teacher in Raising EL Achievement

This blog post from Tonya Ward Singer, author of EL Excellence Every Day, offers solutions to rais EL achievement. 


Webinar: Collaboration for English Learners
Webinar: Collaboration for English Learners

When it comes to accelerating EL achievement, there is no silver bullet. But this, Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove promise you: when EL specialists and general ed teachers pool their expertise, your ELs’ language development and content mastery will improve exponentially. Hear firsthand from Andrea and Maria, authors of Collaborating for English Learners, what exemplary teacher collaboration looks like, which frameworks must be established, and how integrated approaches to ELD services benefit all stakeholders. 

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Webinar: How to Break the Code of Academic Language
Webinar: How to Break the Code of Academic Language

Soto, Zwiers, the Freemans, and Calderon, authors of the Academic Language Mastery Series, share the four key components of academic language mastery and the best practices to cultivate them. 

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Debbie Zacarian's Unleashing the Power of Academic Language Webinar
Debbie Zacarian's Unleashing the Power of Academic Language Webinar

Hear from Debbie Zacarian about the critical role academic language plays in student achievement.

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Webinar: Strategies for Building ELs' Language Power
Webinar: Strategies for Building ELs' Language Power

Learn new strategies from Diane Staehr Fenner and Margo Gottlieb to ensure English learners develop academic language and engage with challenging content. 

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Dove & Honigsfeld's Co-Teaching for English Learners Webinar
Dove & Honigsfeld's Co-Teaching for English Learners Webinar

Join Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld as they walk through the entire collaborative instruction cycle to help enhance English language learning. 

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Webinar: EL Excellence Every Day
Webinar: EL Excellence Every Day

Join Tonya Ward Singer, author of EL Excellence Every Day, as she uncovers specific actions to enhance EL excellence and student achievement within the general ed classroom.  

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