Beverley Anne Freedman

Learn more about Beverley Freedman's PD offerings
Dr. Beverley Freedman is an educational consultant, involved in numerous district and provincial reviews, strategic planning and system improvement. Currently she is supporting districts in their implementation of school reviews using the Ministry’s SEF framework. Additionally, she has led several district-based special education reviews as well as special education reviews for the province. She is working with several independent schools including AHS on school improvement planning. In any one year, as an instructional leadership trainer, she visits hundreds of classrooms in a variety of schools and districts including districts in Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. The aim of the learning walks is to develop the instructional lens of administrators so they can gather data and give descriptive feedback to staff to provide within the frame of school improvement.
Dr. Freedman has presented at numerous provincial, national and international research conferences including the International Principals Congress held this August in Toronto. Topics for presentations include equity, differentiation, and gender as a factor in education. She coordinates professional learning for Canada’s Outstanding Principals in collaboration with The Learning Partnership. She was the former Executive Officer for the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat (LNS), retired superintendent and a former provincial school inspector. In 2004 -2006, she was the Leadership Coordinator for the Faculty of Education, York University. She remains an adjunct professor for the University of Ontario’s Institute of Technology. Dr. Freedman was on the executive of Ontario’s provincial superintendents’ organization (OPSOA), and in 2001, was named Ontario’s Distinguished Leader by OPSOA. Her doctoral thesis won the Doctoral Dissertation Award from PDK U of T Chapter and she won the Larry Frase award from CMSi in 2007. She is on the board of Scientists in School and Teacher Mentor’s Abroad. She spent a week as a volunteer, training principal in Santo Domingo on behalf of their ministry. Currently she is president of the local PDK-UT chapter.