Robert E. Brower

Dr. Robert Brower is superintendent for the North Montgomery Community School Corporation in Crawfordsville, Indiana. Besides these duties, Dr. Brower is a consultant and presenter for many educational issues. Some of these include trimester scheduling, discipline in schools, teaching on the extended period, leadership topics, decision-making philosophy, building professional staff capacity, and teaching for learning. Dr. Brower has also published articles in numerous professional journals on these topics. Dr. Brower is recognized nationally as an expert on trimester scheduling for both middle schools and high schools. He and Dr. Brad Balch invented the Transformational Leadership theory presented in this book. Dr. Brower is an entertaining presenter who mixes research with common sense. Dr. Brower’s educational career has included teaching and coaching for twenty-two years, six years as a high school principal, and four years as a public school superintendent. This is Dr. Brower’s first book but several more are in the works.