Sylvia Rockwell

Sylvia Rockwell is an internationally recognized educator with more than 30 years of experience in a variety of educational settings, including self-contained general and special education classrooms, resource programs, inclusion settings, special day school programs, and a therapeutic educational wilderness program. She has taught all grade levels from first grade through graduate school. She earned her undergraduate degree in elementary education at the University of West Florida. Her master's degree and PhD were earned at the University of South Florida, where she was inducted into Pi Kappa Pi.
She is a former teacher of the year for Hunsinger School in Clearwater, Florida, and was awarded the Professional Educator Award from the International Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders. She has 20 years of experience in developing workshops and presentations for local, state, national, and international audiences. In addition to these accomplishments, Rockwell has authored numerous articles and books on the topics of classroom management, facilitating resilience, group development, and teaching diverse and at-risk students. A full description of workshops available can be accessed at