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127 Results Found for "Education Leadership"



Keynote Presenters

John Hattie

John Hattie

Educator Resources for Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

We all know the importance of social-emotional skills, both for ourselves and for our students. Educators need practical tools for teaching social-emotional skills to bring hope in a time of increasing mental illness and burnout—plus the resources for taking care of themselves. After all, we can best support others when we are at our best.

Deep Equity Selligent Landing Page

Download our free equity strategy paper for K-12 education leaders

More than any other initiative or goal, equity initiatives require strong leadership, commitment, and courage from stakeholders at all levels of a school system. Our free strategy paper, "Building a Foundation for Achieving Deep Equity: Evidence-Based School Change," guides K-12 education leaders in understanding what it takes to lead the charge on equity, social justice, and anti-racism to create truly inclusive school environments.
