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Flash Feedback [Grades 6-12]

Flash Feedback [Grades 6-12]
Responding to Student Writing Better and Faster – Without Burning Out

Foreword by Dave Stuart Jr.

March 2020 | 176 pages | Corwin

Beat burnout with time-saving best practices for feedback

For ELA teachers, the danger of burnout is all too real. Inundated with seemingly insurmountable piles of papers to read, respond to, and grade, many teachers often find themselves struggling to balance differentiated, individualized feedback with the one resource they are already overextended on—time.

Matthew Johnson offers classroom-tested solutions that not only alleviate the feedback-burnout cycle, but also lead to significant growth for students. These time-saving strategies built on best practices for feedback help to improve relationships, ignite motivation, and increase student ownership of learning.

Flash Feedback
also takes teachers to the next level of strategic feedback by sharing:

  • How to craft effective, efficient, and more memorable feedback
  • Strategies for scaffolding students through the meta-cognitive work necessary for real revision
  • A plan for how to create a culture of feedback, including lessons for how to train students in meaningful peer response
  • Downloadable online tools for teacher and student use

Moving beyond the theory of working smarter, not harder, Flash Feedback works deeper by developing practices for teacher efficiency that also boost effectiveness by increasing students’ self-efficacy, improving the clarity of our messages, and ultimately creating a classroom centered around meaningful feedback.

CHAPTER 1. Giving Strong Feedback in Less Time: The Efficiencies
Time-Saving Tenet #1: Don’t Read and Respond to Every Paper

Time-Saving Tenet #2: Use More Targeted Feedback

Time-Saving Tenet #3: Wait Until October to “Give” Grades

Time-Saving Tenet #4: Be a Teacher, Not an Editor

Time-Saving Tenet #5: Go Digital

Time-Saving Tenet #6: Automate Some Parts

Time-Saving Tenet #7: Get in the Feedback Mindset

The Last Word on Efficient Feedback

CHAPTER 2. Giving More Effective Feedback: The Best Practices
Effectiveness Element #1: Feedback Should Be Provided by an Interested Reader, Not a Detached Authority

Effectiveness Element #2: Feedback Should Provide a Path Forward, Not an Autopsy

Effectiveness Element #3: Most Feedback Should Be Focused on Actions, Not Reactions

Effectiveness Element #4: Feedback and Assessment Should Be Separated

The Last Word on Effective Feedback

CHAPTER 3. Making Feedback Memorable: The Feedback Cycle
Setting Goals for Improvement

Receiving Feedback Through Conferences

Reflecting on What’s Been Accomplished . . . and What’s Yet to Master

The Last Word on Memorable Feedback

CHAPTER 4. Beyond the Text: Using Feedback to Cultivate Positive Mindsets and Beliefs
Wise Interventions to Turn Around Problematic Mindsets

“Writing Is Scary”: Feedback to Decrease Students’ Fear of Writing

“When Will I Write Like This in the Real World?”: Using Feedback to Increase Students’ Perceived Value of Writing

“I’m Not a Writer”: Using Feedback to Help Students Identify as Writers

The Last Word on Feedback for Positive Mindsets and Beliefs

CHAPTER 5. Democratizing Feedback: Teaching Peer Response and Self-Review
The Power (and Pitfalls) of Peer Response

Teaching Effective Peer Response

The Power of Self-Review

Teaching Self-Review

The Last Word on Peer Response and Self-Review


Free resources

Distance Learning Suggestions from Flash Feedback

Distance Learning Suggestions from Flash Feedback

In a distance learning environment, feedback and relationships with students will matter more than ever before. Matthew Johnson created this quick-read companion to his book, Flash Feedback, to help teachers implement specific modifications for distance learning, while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


Time-Saving Tenet #2: Use More Targeted Feedback

Time-Saving Tenet #2: Use More Targeted Feedback

In this excerpt from Flash Feedback, you'll discover one of the time-saving tenets for delivering more powerful feedback in less time. 


Want to Give Better Writing Feedback in Less Time?

Want to Give Better Writing Feedback in Less Time?

Matt Johnson, author of Flash Feedback, shares his strategies for giving better writing feedback in less time, without burning yourself out! Read the full blog on Corwin Connect.

Read Now

Flash Feedback on Student Writing: 3 Strategies for High-Impact Feedback in Less Time

Flash Feedback on Student Writing: 3 Strategies for High-Impact Feedback in Less Time

"The logistics of providing regular meaningful feedback quickly are daunting." Read this blog from Flash Feedback author Matt Johnson for his strategies for providing quick, impactful feedback without burning yourself out.

Read Now

The Essential Role of Feedback in Distance Learning

The Essential Role of Feedback in Distance Learning

"... To make up for these missing moments, I have begun to focus even more than normal this week on the one consistent area of interaction with my students that I have left: my feedback to their work."

Read the full blog from Matt Johnson, author of Flash Feedback, and his recommendations for providing feedback in a distance learning environment.

Read Now

Sample Materials & Chapters


Excerpt from Chapter 1

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ISBN: 9781544360492

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