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Introduction to Brain-Compatible Learning

Introduction to Brain-Compatible Learning

Second Edition

May 2007 | 136 pages | Corwin

"As an introduction to brain-compatible learning, this book highlights some important findings of recent brain research in an easy-to-read manner."
—Andrea F. Rosenblatt, Associate Professor, Barry University

Harness the transformative power of brain-based learning!

Thoroughly updated and revised, this best-selling book by brain expert Eric Jensen explores the key features of brain-based teaching and the most recent research on how the brain learns. Educators will learn about the parts of the brain, what constitutes solid brain research, the differences between boys' and girls' brains, and what types of activities can build retention.

The author presents a reader-friendly text with clear, understandable artwork to reinforce the concepts of brain-based learning. Also included are brain-compatible activities to enhance readers' retention, a complete brain glossary, and a section on the importance of action research.

This easy-to-read book is ideal for educators new to the concepts of brain-compatible learning and is organized into three simple, practical units, covering:

  • Background information to provide educators with a solid foundation in brain research
  • Seven principles of teaching based on essential brain concepts
  • Next steps to put the research and principles into practice

For both novice and veteran educators, this must-have guide provides an opportunity to make a positive, significant, and lasting difference in the way all students learn!

About the Author
Part I. Background You Need
What Is Brain-Compatible Learning?
The Old and New of It
When Brain Research Is Applied to the Classroom, Everything Will Change
Change Can Be Easy
We're Not in Kansas Anymore
Where's the Proof?
Tools for Exploring the Brain
Ten Reasons to Care About the Research?
The Evolution of Brain Models
Be a Brain-Smart Consumer: Recognizing Good Research
Action or Theory: Who Wants to Read All That Research?
Excellent Sources of Research
Fun Factoids on the Brain
What's in the Human Brain
Brain Teaser
The Brain Divided
The Brain Connected
Brain Geography
Brain "Cell"ebration: Far-out Facts About Brain Cells
Learning Happens... But How?
Are Today's Kids Different?
Boys' and Girls' Brain Differences
Learning Disabilities: Different Brains
The Cranial Soup Bowl: Understanding the Chemicals in Our Brains
Part II. The Foundation for Teaching Is Principles, Not Strategies
What Are the Principles?
Principle 1: The Principle of Change: Brain Is Dynamic, Not Fixed
Implications for Educators

Principle 2: The Principle of Variety: All Brains Are Unique
Implications for Educators

Principle 3: The Principle of Maturation: Developmental Sensitivity
Implications for Educators

Principle 4: The Principle of Culture: We Have a "Social Brain"
Implications for Educators

Principle 5: The Principle of Connectivity: The Brain Is an Integrated "System of Systems"
Implications for Educators

Principle 6: The Principle of Memory Malleability
Implications for Educators

Principle 7: The Principle of Resource Consumption
Necessity for Processing
Part III. So What; Now What?
Asking Big Questions: What's in a Brain-Compatible Curriculum?
Brain-Compatible Test-Taking Success Strategies
Systemic Change: The Next Level
Big Picture Analysis: Transformation Happens
Action Research Makes a Difference
The Learning Community
What's Next?
Appendix A: Brain-Smart Resources and Support
Appendix B: Glossary of Brain Terminology

"As an introduction to brain-compatible learning, this book does an admirable job. It highlights some of the important findings of recent brain research and presents ideas in an easy-to-read manner."

Andrea F. Rosenblatt, Associate Professor
Barry University

"A 'must' for practicing teachers and education libraries alike."

California Bookwatch, October 2007
Key features
Special features to the second edition include:
  • a brain glossary, from Acetylcholine to Wernicke's area
  • list of further resources on brain-compatible learning
  • brain-compatible activities for readers to help retention

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ISBN: 9781412954181
ISBN: 9781412954075

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