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5 Results Found for "C1E"

Hugging and Bridging Methods for Low-Road and High-Road Transfer
Hugging and Bridging Methods for Low-Road and High-Road Transfer

Use these hugging and bridging methods from Visible Learning for Science, Grades K-12, to promote low-road or high-road transfer based on where your students are in their learning journey. 


Prompts for Facilitating Students Self-reflection and Metacognitive Awareness
Prompts for Facilitating Students Self-reflection and Metacognitive Awareness

Use this self-reflection model from Visible Learning for Science, Grades K-12, as a follow-up technique once a lesson has occurred that helps students understand where they were and where they are now.


Science Activity: Milk Fireworks
Science Activity: Milk Fireworks

Use this activity from Learning Science by Doing Science to guide your students in an investigation activity with familiar everyday materials that introduces students to the kinds of questions scientists ask and the practices they use when trying to figure out answers.


Chapter 4: Using and Applying Curriculum Topic Study
Chapter 4: Using and Applying Curriculum Topic Study

In this chapter from Science Curriculum Topic Study, the authors make clear the appropriate uses and applications of Curriculum Topic Study (CTS) and help the reader to identify the sections that apply to their own circumstances.
