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18 Results Found for "C80"


Webinar: Leading School Teams
Webinar: Leading School Teams

Hear firsthand from David Horton, author of Leading School Teams, how a powerhouse team can achieve four years of growth in a single calendar year.

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Webinar: Fostering Collective Efficacy
Webinar: Fostering Collective Efficacy

Learn from Jenni Donohoo, author of Collective Efficacy, exactly what collective efficacy is and why it has such a profound impact on student achievement.

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Webinar: Collaborating to Achieve Excellence
Webinar: Collaborating to Achieve Excellence

Discover from Jenni Donohoo, author of Collective Efficacy, what matters most in raising student achievement. 

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Webinar: Growth Coaching as a Vehicle for Transforming School Culture
Webinar: Growth Coaching as a Vehicle for Transforming School Culture

In this webinar, John Campbell and Christian van Nieuwerburgh, authors of The Leader's Guide to Coaching in Schools, introduce a usable framework to increase interpersonal effectiveness and grow your ability to coach.

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Webinar: The Impact Cycle
Webinar: The Impact Cycle

Explore how the instructional coaching cycle from Jim Knight, author of The Impact Cycle, can help teachers and students improve in measurable ways. 

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Webinar: Unpacking Hard Conversations
Webinar: Unpacking Hard Conversations

Uncover from Jennifer Abrams, author of Hard Conversations Unpacked, tools and recourses to become a more confident and compassionate communicator in challenging situations. 

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Webinar: Better Conversations
Webinar: Better Conversations

Unpack with Jim Knight, bestselling author of Better Conversations, what it takes to improve schools by improving communication among administrators, teachers, and coaches. 

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Webinar: Focus on Teaching
Webinar: Focus on Teaching

Uncover with Jim Knight, author of Focus on Teaching, the powerful role video can play in instructional coaching.

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Webinar: Instructional Coaching
Webinar: Instructional Coaching

Join Jim Knight, author of Instructional Coaching, to learn ways to encourage teachers to enroll in instructional coaching and summer strategies to prepare for the upcoming school year. 

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