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14 Results Found for "C89"


Module 3: The Plus is You
Module 3: The Plus is You

This module from The PLC+ Playbook focuses on the significant role that you as the teacher have on student learning and highlights the key components of teaching that strengthen the collective efficacy and credibility of your PLC+. 


Webinar: PLC+: The Plus is YOU
Webinar: PLC+: The Plus is YOU

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Almarode, authors of PLC+, discuss how they place student learning, effective teaching, and a focus on equity at the heart of what we all strive to accomplish. Learn how PLC+ provides a framework for the planning and implementation of student learning, teacher professional learning, and cycles of assessment and reflection that direct next steps.

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PLC+ Learning Walks
PLC+ Learning Walks

This excerpt from PLC+: Better Decisions and Greater Impact by Design emphasizes that the heartbeat of a PLC+ rests in the quality time members invest in one another engaged in inquiry of their practices, which may be accomplished through such practices as Learning Walks.


The Hope for PLC+
The Hope for PLC+

In this excerpt from PLC+, the authors discuss their hope for the PLC+ model and what they see as the future of PLCs.  


Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy
Teacher Collective Credibility and Efficacy

In this excerpt from PLC+, the authors discuss factors that can contribute to an individual teacher’s success, including credibility and efficacy, and how, through PLCs, these strengths can become collective to benefit the school as a whole.


5 Qualities of a Good Activator
5 Qualities of a Good Activator

This table from The PLC+ Activator's Guide by Dave Nagel, John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Karen Flories outlines the five qualities of a good activator.



Important Roles in Your PLC+
Important Roles in Your PLC+

This resource from The PLC+ Activator's Guide by Dave Nagel, John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Karen Flories outlines important roles in your PLC+ and key qualities for success.



Addressing Challenges in a PLC+
Addressing Challenges in a PLC+

This excerpt from The PLC+ Activator's Guide by Dave Nagel, John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Karen Flories addresses some of the challenges that come from working with the dynamics of a PLC+ team.



Teaching and Learning Podcast: Leveraging PLCs for Equity
Teaching and Learning Podcast: Leveraging PLCs for Equity

Professor Douglas Fisher, co-author of PLC+, dives into the elements of Professional Learning Communities and what actually makes them effective.

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Work Toward a S-M-A-A-H-R-T Goal
Work Toward a S-M-A-A-H-R-T Goal

Even goals that technically meet the SMART criteriaspecific, measurable, attainable, results-driven, and time-bounddon't always advance student learning.  Skillful team leaders align goals to priorities and ensure people have a heartfelt commitment to reaching them.  

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Manage Conflict
Manage Conflict

Explore moves skillful team leaders (STLs) can employ to manage conflict in this excerpt from Intentional Moves

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The Upside (and Downside) of Being a Peer Leader
The Upside (and Downside) of Being a Peer Leader

"Being a peer leader poses unique challenges, but also offers unexpected advantages. In the following pages, I explore five understandings that skillful team leaders (STLs) have about peer leadership." - Intentional Moves.

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