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20 Results Found for "trauma"


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Chapter 10: Teacher Warmth and Availability for Learning
Chapter 10: Teacher Warmth and Availability for Learning

In this chapter from Identity Safe Classrooms, Grades 6-12, the authors outline the importance of building relationships with students who have experienced trauma.

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Podcast: As Students Return to School, So Does School Violence
Podcast: As Students Return to School, So Does School Violence

Because of the lost learning time during the pandemic, many schools are putting pressure on teachers and students to quickly catch up academically. But schools would do better to address social and emotional health services first, because 'trauma presents a huge barrier to learning'.

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Alternative Discipline was always SEL
Alternative Discipline was always SEL

"As students returned to in-person instruction, their behavioral needs have intensified; the impact of trauma from the pandemic on students and teachers, as well as the increase in educator burnout, has resulted in some schools reverting back to traditional, exclusionary practices..."

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TEDx Talk: How Hope Drives Your Potential, Resiliency, and Success
TEDx Talk: How Hope Drives Your Potential, Resiliency, and Success

Cathleen Beachboard is on a mission to show how the science of hope can improve outcomes for those with trauma and anxiety. Through a deeply moving journey to help her five adopted children overcome a past of abuse and neglect, Cathleen shares valuable tools on how we can use hope to increase our resiliency, happiness, and success.

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Webinar: The School of Hope
Webinar: The School of Hope

Hope is not simply an emotion. Hope is a science. Hope is one of the most robust predictors of GPA, future academic attainment, and overall resiliency. Measuring and raising hope levels can combat the effects of trauma and adverse childhood experiences, build motivation, and drive achievement. This webinar combines scientific research, tools, and strategies to increase hope and improve equity and life outcomes for both students and staff.

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Webinar: Building Behavior: How to Select and Implement Behavior Initiatives
Webinar: Building Behavior: How to Select and Implement Behavior Initiatives

In this webinar, Jessica and John Hannigan, authors of Building Behavior, make the connections between Visible Learning and the most popular behavior initiatives implemented across the globe: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Character Education, Restorative Justice (RJ), Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), Trauma Informed Practices (TIPs), and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This webinar describes for school and district personnel how to “build” behavior initiative(s) best suited for their institution using evidence-based best practices aligned to Hattie’s identified influences on student achievement. 

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Video: Trauma in Schools: A District Leaders Video Roundtable
Video: Trauma in Schools: A District Leaders Video Roundtable

A roundtable with educators and district leaders sharing their wisdom on mental health and well-being during and after the pandemic. Learn how they are allocating resources to strengthen the resilience of students and further individual and collective self-care in schools.

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Podcast: Examining Student Trauma Through the Lens of Race
Podcast: Examining Student Trauma Through the Lens of Race

Along with their home and natural environments, a child’s community is now recognized as a potential contributor to adverse childhood experiences. The results can be devastating for development. Substandard schools, intolerance, discrimination, and racism can lead to chronic health issues, minimum employment, and long-term poverty. Authors and educators Victoria Romero and Justin Hendrickson take us through an explanation.

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