Diane R. Sweeney

Diane Sweeney has been an author and educational consultant since 1999. The author of Moves for Launching a New Year of Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2022), Student-Centered Coaching from a Distance (Corwin, 2021), The Essential Guide for Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2020), Leading Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2018), and Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves (Corwin, 2016), Diane holds a longstanding interest in how adult learning translates to learning in the classroom. Diane holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Denver and a Master’s in Bilingual and Multicultural Education from the University of Colorado, Boulder. After teaching and coaching in the Denver Public Schools, Diane served as a program officer at the Public Education & Business Coalition (PEBC) in Denver. Since then, she has become a respected voice in the field of coaching and professional development.