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31 Results Found for "Teaching Methods"


Teaching Methods

Every student deserves a great teacher, not by chance, but by design.” So says Douglas Fisher. Excellent teaching is excellent teaching, no matter the content, no matter the grade. Corwin helps you become experts in the foundational teaching practices, from differentiation to personalized learning, from blended learning to project-based learning, and much more. We provide research-backed resources to support every teacher with powerful instruction and engagement strategies for all learners. 

Free Teaching Methods Resources

Everyday Practices for Lifelong Learning

Our free Teaching Methods resources include templates, project ideas, checklists, and much more from top minds in the field such as Gayle Gregory, Kristen Swanson, and many others. These tools can be accessed at any time, free of cost, because we think teachers deserve meaningful, powerful professional development without always having to pay for it.

Conference Overview

Teach Reading and Writing like the Masters!

The Corwin Literacy Institute, in partnership with QEP Books, is a two-day conference keynoted by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey on October 7 and by Gretchen Bernabei on October 8. The institute provides expert insight, proven techniques, classroom-tested strategies, and actionable take-aways on timely reading and writing challenges facing schools today.

Participants will learn how to:


In addition to the titles published by our imprint Corwin Literacy, Corwin also publishes general titles on reading, writing, literacy teaching methods, technology in the literacy classroom, and more.  On these pages, you will find a mix of titles from Corwin Literacy as well as our more general literacy titles. 


In addition to the titles published by our imprint Corwin Mathematics, Corwin also publishes general titles on math assessment, mathematical standards, teaching methods, and more. On these pages you will find a mix of titles from Corwin Mathematics as well as our more general math titles for elementary, middle school, and high school teachers and school leaders.
