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Deeney, Theresa A.

Theresa A. Deeney

Theresa A. Deeney is associate professor of reading education and coordinator of the graduate reading program at the University of Rhode Island. After finishing her own teacher preparation in elementary and special education, she began her career as a special education teacher. She then went on to receive an MEd in educational administration, and served as a school principal.

Hord, Shirley M.

Shirley Moos Hord

Shirley M. Hord, PhD, is the scholar laureate of Learning Forward (previously National Staff Development Council), following her retirement as Scholar Emerita at the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory in Austin, Texas. There she directed the Strategies for Increasing Student Success Program. She continues to design and coordinate professional development activities related to educational change and improvement, school leadership, and the creation of professional learning communities.

Judy R. Wilkerson

Judy R. Wilkerson is an Associate Professor of Research and Assessment at Florida Gulf Coast University, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in measurement and evaluation. As in this book and all of her research, she focuses her efforts with students on providing a highly pragmatic approach, based in theory, with the goal of instilling a commitment in them to assess K-12 learning. Her Ph.D.

William Steve Lang

William Steve Lang is a Professor of Educational Measurement and Research at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg, where he teaches graduate courses in measurement, statistics, and research.   He, too, focuses his teaching on making meaningful and pragmatic uses of the disciplines he teaches.  He earned his Ph.D.

French, Dan

Dan French

Dan French, executive director of the Center for Collaborative Education, is the former director of instruction and curriculum for the Massachusetts Department of Education and special educator. He holds an EdD from University of  Massachusetts at Amherst.

Atkinson, Mary

Mary Atkinson

Mary Atkinson has over twenty-five years of experience in education as a teacher, curriculum consultant, and writer. She has worked both as an elementary Spanish bilingual teacher and a Spanish language teacher for grades K-12. She cowrote the Massachusetts World Languages Curriculum Framework and wrote the Texas Framework for Languages Other Than English. As a consultant to Center for Collaborative Education, Ms.

Leah Rugen

Leah Rugen, publications director, has worked at the Center for Collaborative Education since 1997 as writer, change coach, and program director of the national Turning Points network. Prior to working at CCE she worked for Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound, and the New York City Outward Bound Center. She began her education career teaching English and writing in public school in New York. She received her MAT in English from Brown University.

Steven B. Sheldon

Steven B. Sheldon is a research scientist with the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships and director of research of NNPS at Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of many publications on the implementation and effects of programs for family and community involvement.

Cecelia Sheria Martin

Cecelia Martin is associate director of the Maryland Parental Information Resource Center (PIRC). She takes leadership in providing technical assistance to school systems and schools to strengthen local programs and practices of family and community involvement.
