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Patricia Sitlington

Patricia L. Sitlington is Professor and Coordinator of the graduate emphasis in Career/Vocational Programming and Transition at the University of Northern Iowa. She has been a secondary classroom teacher and state department staff member, as well as program consultant. She has written extensively in the field of transition, and is co-author of Transition Education and Services for Students with Disabilities, a major textbook in the field.

Richard C. Lombard

Dr. Richard C. Lombard is a Professor of Special Education at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. He has authored or co-authored over forty articles in professional journals with an emphasis on transition assessment, vocational evaluation, community based transition models, and inclusion. Dr. Lombard served as President of the International Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT) in 1999-2000.

Carol Kochhar-Bryant

Carol Kochhar-Bryant is a professor of special education at the George Washington University. For 21 years she has developed and directed advanced graduate and doctoral leadership preparation programs related to secondary and transition services for youth with disabilities. She teaches courses in special education, legal issues and public policy, systemic change and leadership, and interdisciplinary planning and development.

Kristine W. Webb

Kristine W. Webb is an associate professor in the Department of Exceptional Student and Deaf Education and director of the Disability Resource Center at the University of North Florida (UNF). Webb is a past president of the International Division on Career Development and Transition (DCDT), an organization dedicated to improving life for adolescents and adults with disabilities. In 2007, she was awarded the Outstanding Faculty Service Award at the University of North Florida.

Carlson, Howard C.

Howard Curtis Carlson

Howard Carlson is superintendent of the Wickenburg Unified School District located in Wickenburg, Arizona. Carlson has previously served at the assistant superintendent and superintendent levels in the states of Washington, Minnesota and Arizona.

Richard A. Lougy

Richard A. Lougy has been living and working for the last 30 years in Sacramento, California, where he began his career as a middle school teacher. During that time, he also served as an elementary school counselor and later as a school psychologist.
