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2012 Cultural Proficiency attendees talk about their experience

Saphier, Jon

Jon Saphier

Dr. Jon Saphier is the Founder and President of Research for Better Teaching, Inc., an educational consulting organization in Acton, Massachusetts that is dedicated to the professionalization of teaching and leadership.  He is a recognized expert on supervision, evaluation, staff development, and adult professional culture.

The Corwin Story

Whom you partner with matters. Watch our video and read our story to learn why you should partner with Corwin.

Company Timeline

1990 Corwin is established as a division of SAGE by CEO David McCune, with Gracia Alkema as its founding president
1991 First Corwin book published: Decentralization: The Administrator Guidebook to School District Change by Daniel J. Brown

Gamwell, Peter

Peter Gamwell

Born in Liverpool, England, Peter is the co-author, with Jane Daly, of The Wonder Wall: Leading Creative Schools and Organizations in an Age of Complexity, 2017, Corwin, foreword by Sir Ken Robinson; and Thinker, Learner, Dreamer, Doer: Innovative Pedagogies for Cultivating Every Student’s Potential, April, 2022, Corwin, fore­word by Yong Zhao.

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