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O'Loughlin, Judith B.

Judith B. O'Loughlin

Judith B. O'Loughlin, an independent education consultant, has twenty-five years experience as an English, ESL, and special education teacher. She has taught ESL at K-12, adult education, and graduate levels in university endorsement programs in NJ, MO, MA, KS, and OH. She is currently a bilingual/ESL eCoach for pre-service candidates for The Ohio State University “Transition to Teaching” grant.

Custodio, Brenda K.

Brenda Kay Custodio

Dr. Brenda Custodio is retired from Columbus City Schools (Ohio) where she served as a middle and high school ESL teacher, a district-level coach for secondary ESL teachers, and a building administrator of a newcomer secondary academy. She worked with the school district to help establish a newcomer program for middle and high school students with a large refugee population, most of whom had limited prior schooling.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are eCourses?
Corwin eCourses provide a meaningful and convenient online experience that meets the diverse needs of 21stcentury educators and are:


What is the price of the Institute?

$3,400 USD per person.

Please note that if we have not received a valid form of payment by June 7th, your registration will be cancelled and you will not be allowed to attend the event. 

Hotel and Travel


Sage Publications
2560 Teller Rd
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320

Travel Information

Closest Airport:

Los Angeles International Airport
1 World Way
Los Angeles, CA 90045

The airport is approximately 46 miles from the venue
For information on ground transportation please click here
