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Literacy Engagement Guide

Design literacy instruction that keeps students engaged

Engagement, that game-changing but decidedly illusive quality, can make the difference between a lesson that leads to deep and meaningful learning and one that falls as flat as the bored faces of students.

Download this free Literacy Guide to explore the top strategies and tactics to drive student engagement during literacy instruction. This ebook includes three powerful articles from literacy experts. Inside, you'll find:

Mason, Christine Y.

Christine Y. Mason

Christine Mason, PhD, an educational psychologist, is a nationally recognized expert in the area

Patschke, Melissa D.

Melissa Day Patschke

Dr. Melissa D. Patschke, Principal Upper Providence Elementary School, Royersford, PA Spring City Elementary, Spring City, PA

Liabenow, Paul W.

Paul W. Liabenow

Paul Liabenow, Executive Director Principal Mentoring: MEMSPA and the NAESP

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