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Visible Learning for Mathematics

Maximize student achievement in mathematics with Visible LearningTM

Chapter by chapter, and equipped with video clips, planning tools, rubrics, and templates, the bestselling Visible Learning for Mathematics gives you the foundation on which instructional strategies to use at each phase of the learning cycle: Surface, Deep, and Transfer.



Cvetkovic, Svetlana

Svetlana Cvetkovic

Svetlana Cvetkovic is a credentialed Reading Specialist with a Masters in Literacy and Leadership having most of her experience in elementary and middle schools. Currently in the Joint Doctoral Program at San Diego State and Claremont Graduate universities, her research focuses on bridging the latest neuroeducational findings with classroom literacy instruction.

Stewart, Mary Amanda

Mary Amanda Stewart

Mary Amanda (Mandy) Stewart is passionate about languages, literacies, and literature! She brings these areas together in her work with multilingual adolescents as they engage in critical literacy and language development across content areas using a variety of authentic texts.

Genova, Holly Ann

Holly Ann Genova

Holly Genova is a high school ESOL and Newcomer teacher in Lewisville, Texas, at Lewisville High School, Harmon Campus. Holly is charged with working with marginalized students to develop English their first year in the United States, but Holly sees her work much differently than simply developing students’ English.
