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McIntyre, Ellen

Ellen McIntyre

Ellen McIntyre is a literacy professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Louisville, where she teaches courses on lit­eracy research and instruction and studies children’s development in light of instructional contexts.

Lee Brattland Nielsen

Lee Brattland Nielsen has taught for more than 25 years at the elementary, secondary, and university levels. While teaching at California Lutheran University, she taught “Mainstreaming the Exceptional Student” to teachers and students who were working toward their teaching credentials.

McEwan-Adkins, Elaine K.

Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins

Elaine K. McEwan is an educational consultant with The McEwan-Adkins Group, offering professional development for educators to assist them in meeting the challenges of literacy learning in Grades Pre K-6. A former teacher, librarian, principal, and assistant superintendent for instruction in several suburban Chicago school districts, Elaine is the award-winning and best-selling author of more than three dozen books for educators.

Collay, Michelle

Michelle Collay

Michelle Collay is a School Coach for the Bay Area Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) in Oakland, California, a private non-profit organization supporting urban small school initiatives.  She supports school leader development and coordinates classroom-based teacher inquiry for the purposes of improving student achievement.

Dietz, Mary E.

Mary E. Dietz

Mary Dietz is an international consultant specializing in assisting educators in building capacity to establish and facilitate learning communities. She is also co-founder of LearnCity, an educational technology firm offering a web-based solution for designing, implementing, and assessing standards-based instruction, K-12. Her work is focused on coaching educational systems through the design and implementation of school reform efforts.
