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Rosenblum-Lowden, Renee

Renee Rosenblum-Lowden

Renee Rosenblum-Lowden has taught children and adolescents for more than 25 years in the New York City school system. Currently, she is sharing her love for teaching by presenting seminars and keynote speeches to new and veteran teachers throughout the country, as well as student teachers at various universities. She uses a sense of humor while arming them with great strategies for making classrooms safe and fun—while always being in control.

Sofman, Randi B.

Randi B. Sofman

Randi Stone is the author of nine Corwin Press books: Best Practices for Teaching Reading: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Social Studies: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Writing: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do, and Best Practices for Teaching Science: What Award-Winning Cl

Genevieve H. Brown

Genevieve Brown, Ed.D. is currently Professor, Director of Doctoral Studies, and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. She also served as the Coordinator of Secondary Education and as University Supervisor for principal interns. She has published widely; presented at local, state, and national conferences; and consulted often with school districts.  

Beverly J. Irby

Beverly J. Irby, Ed.D. is Associate Professor of Educational Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership and Counseling at Sam Houston State University. She has also served as Director of Field Experiences, Supervisor of Mentor Services, Liaison for Sam Houston State University’s Urban Professional Development Site, and as a Title VII Grants Coordinator at an urban elementary school.

Lucretia Coates

Lucretia Coates, M.A. in education from Morgan State University, is Principal at the Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. Elementary School in Baltimore, Maryland. For eight years she worked with researchers and educators to develop and implement the Baltimore School and Family Connections project that led to the National Network of Partnership-2000 Schools.  

Karen Clark Salinas

Karen Clark Salinas is a senior research assistant at the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships at Johns Hopkins University. As communications director of the National Network of Partnership Schools, she is editor of Type 2, the Network’s newsletter, and coeditor of the annual collection Promising Partnership Practices. She also coordinates work­shops and provides technical assistance to members by phone, email, and Web site.

Sanders, Mavis G.

Mavis G. Sanders

Mavis G. Sanders is assistant professor of education in the School of Professional Studies in Business and Education, research scientist at the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk (CRESPAR), and senior advisor to the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University.

Beth Shara Simon

Beth S. Simon is a social science research analyst at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Rosen, Louis

Louis Rosen

Louis Rosen, PhD, is the executive director of the School Justice Institute, a nonprofit corporation dedicated to the improvement of fair discipline practices in schools. He has been a high school principal in the Los Angeles area for 19 years; an assistant principal for 4 years; a high school counselor; and a high school social studies teacher.
