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4438 Results Found


Benson, Barbara P.

Barbara P. Benson

Barbara Benson is a teacher and international consultant with more than 20 years of experience in middle school, high school, and university education.

Barnett, Susan P.

Susan P. Barnett

Susan Barnett has been in the field of education for 33 years.  She has an AB Degree in Early Childhood from Marshall University, in Huntington, West Virginia and a Master Degree in School Administration from Appalachian State University in Boone, NC.

Scheidecker, David D.

David D. Scheidecker

David Scheidecker had been a high school English teacher for 27 years, with 20 of them as the head of an English department. His professional activities included serving as a reader for the Advanced Placement English literature and Composition exam, acting as a consultant to the college board, curriculum design, and miscellaneous instructional concerns. Scheidecker had worked extensively in curriculum design and revision at his own high school.

Freeman, William B.

William B. Freeman

William Freeman was a middle school social studies teacher for 11 years and a high school principal for 22 years. During his tenure as principal, he taught classes in philosophy to high school students and instructed as an adjunct professor in the educational, administrative, and business master’s degree programs for Aurora University and Olivet Nazarene University.

Martin L. Krovetz

Martin L. Krovetz is the director of the Leading for Equity and Achievement Design (LEAD) Center, a regional center of the Coalition of Essential Schools. From 1991 to 2006, he was a professor of educational leadership at San Jose State University. During this time, he developed and coordinated the Master’s in Collaborative Leadership Program. From 1977 to 1991, he was a high school principal in Santa Cruz, California.

Herndon, Lynne E.

Lynne E. Herndon

Lynne Herndon has over twenty years experience teaching science at the middle, high school and college level, five of which have been in a block schedule. She has conducted workshops at the local, state, and national levels in the areas of classroom management, curriculum mapping, differentiated instruction, integrating technology and teaching in a block schedule. She also has experience working in staff development, curriculum design and school improvement planning.
