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Victor Nolet

Victor W. Nolet is Director of Assessment and Evaluation for the Woodring College of Education at Western Washington University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon. His current interests include the impact of teacher education programs on P-12 student outcomes and the impact of accountability systems on students with disabilities. Address: Victor Nolet, Woodring College of Education, 251F Miller Hall, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. 98225.

Natalie Rodriguez Jansorn

Natalie Rodriguez Jansorn is a state and district facilitator of the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University. In this capacity, she assists state, district, and organization leaders in establishing school, family, and community partnership programs to support students’ school success. She is an experienced speaker at conferences on partner­ships.

Frances L. VanVoorhis

Frances L. Van Voorhis is an associate research scientist at the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships and TIPS Coordinator of the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University. She is the author of research articles on the Teachers Involve Parents in Schoolwork (TIPS) interactive homework process, including a study of the effects of TIPS science in the middle grades on family involvement and students’ science skills.

Craft, Anna

Anna Craft

Anna Craft is Professor of Education at the University of Exeter, England, where she leads the CREATE research cluster. She is also Reader at The Open University, England, and Director of The Open Creativity Centre. She is founding Co-Editor Thinking Skills and Creativity (Elsevier) and founding Co-Convenor of the British Educational Research Association Special Interest Group, Creativity in Education.

Hollingsworth, John R.

John R. Hollingsworth

John Hollingsworth is president of DataWORKS Educational Research, a company originally created to use real data to improve student achievement. Although DataWORKS started by analyzing learning outcomes (test scores), it soon refocused towards analyzing learning inputs (classroom instructional practices). DataWORKS now focuses mainly on providing staff development to schools on classroom instruction.

Ybarra, Silvia E.

Silvia E. Ybarra

Dr. Silvia Ybarra, Ed.D., began her career in education as a physics and chemistry teacher at Roosevelt High School in Fresno, California.  Next, Silvia became principal of Wilson Middle School in Exeter, California, which under her leadership became a prestigious Distinguished School.  Silvia was then named assistant superintendent of Coalinga-Huron School District. Her focus progressed from helping one classroom to helping one school to helping an entire district.
