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maria dove and andrea honigsfeld

Monday, October 23, 2017 - 3:30pm

Presented by Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld

The proof is born out by test results: our non-native speakers learn faster and achieve more when general ed and EL teachers co-plan and co-deliver instruction in the very same classroom. That’s why you won’t want to miss this webinar from EL experts Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld. Step by step, they’ll walk you through the entire collaborative instruction cycle, along seven potential models from which to choose.

The Best Collaborative and Instructional Strategies for Supporting Our ELs

Monday, October 29, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Maria Dove, Andrea Honigsfeld, Diane Staehr Fenner, and Sydney Snyder

Talk about the benefits of collaboration! Here’s a rare opportunity to participate in a presentation led by Co-Teaching for English Learners authors Maria Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld, and Unlocking English Learners’ Potential authors Diane Staehr Fenner and Sydney Snyder on the best collaborative and instructional strategies for scaffolding instruction across content areas.

Fostering Collective Efficacy: 3 Enabling Conditions

Monday, May 21, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jenni Donohoo

What matters most in raising student achievement? Research identifies collective efficacy—the shared belief that what we do really matters—as the number-one factor. When teacher teams believe that they can positively impact student learning, it results in a number of productive patterns of behavior: deeper implementation of high-yield strategies, increased teacher leadership, high expectations, and a strong focus on academic pursuits. Join us to learn more about what collective efficacy is, why it's important, and how to foster efficacy to ensure equity, promote well-being, and enhance public confidence in education.

Hosted by EdWeek: Leadership for Racial Equity in Schools and Beyond

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - 11:00am

Presented by Glenn Singleton and Melissa Krull

This webinar is hosted in partnership with EdWeek. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to reveal systemic racial disparities in educational opportunity, there are revelations to which we can and must respond. Through conscientious efforts, using an intentional focus on race, school leaders can address these inequities and create the conditions for every student to achieve at high levels.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - 3:00pm

Presented by Glenn Singleton and Melissa Krull

This webinar is hosted in partnership with EdWeek. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to reveal systemic racial disparities in educational opportunity, there are revelations to which we can and must respond. Through conscientious efforts, using an intentional focus on race, school leaders can address these inequities and create the conditions for every student to achieve at high levels.

Better Conversations: Coaching Ourselves and Each Other to Be More Credible, Caring, and Connected

Monday, February 15, 2016 - 3:30pm

Watch Jim Knight's Archived Webinar

“Our schools are only as good as the conversations within them.” So asserts instructional coaching expert Jim Knight, who in this webinar honors our capacity for improving our schools by improving our communication. Who should attend? Just about all of us. Any educator who has walked away from a conversation sensing it could have been more productive, but at a loss for how to improve it: administrators, teachers, coaches alike. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - 3:30pm

Watch Joe Crawford's Archived Webinar

In this webinar, Joe Crawford shares his proven process for building a viable local curriculum based on the CCSS. He provides participants with helpful tools for mapping CCSS to curriculum, instruction, and assessment and ways to facilitate learning in all students.

Collective Equity

Monday, March 14, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Sonja Hollins-Alexander and Nicole Law

Collective Equity is the catalyst for transforming learning environments into equitable spaces for increasing engagement, accelerating achievement, and enhancing belongingness and self-efficacy for all students. The Collective leverages relational trust where all members can individually and collectively show up in the fullness of who they are. When the Collective Equity Framework is implemented, the learning community is strengthened through a laser-like focus on increasing the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and stamina of educators in order to implement culturally fortifying practices that are visible.

Critical Comprehension

Monday, March 20, 2023 - 3:30pm

Presented by Katie Kelly, Lester Laminack, Vivian Vasquez

At a time when outside forces are calling for greater restrictions on access to information through book challenges, prohibitive legislation, and threats to educators who encourage students to read widely, there is an even greater need to teach students to read critically, to question the author, the text, the source of the material, and intentions. Katie Kelly, Lester Laminack, and Vivian Vasquez define the word ‘text’ broadly to include printed material as well as spoken text, songs, interactions, and events (both current and historical).
