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35 Results Found for "leadership"


Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators

Monday, January 24, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Michelle L. Trujillo

Adult social emotional learning (SEL) and self-care have been promoted as global priorities since the COVID pandemic disrupted the traditional educational system in the Spring of 2020. Yet, there has been no framework to guide educators in a quest to improve their own social emotional well-being. Until now.

Spirit Work and the Science of Collaboration

Monday, February 14, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Michael Fullan and Mark Edwards

Based around the stories of 8 school districts, this webinar with Michael Fullan and Mark Edwards will share their insights about how deep caring for others linked to collaboration can achieve amazing results under complex conditions. Through powerful case studies and vignettes, the authors will discuss how spirit and collaboration represent revolutionary potential for education and pave the way to a brighter future.

Collective Equity

Monday, March 14, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Sonja Hollins-Alexander and Nicole Law

Collective Equity is the catalyst for transforming learning environments into equitable spaces for increasing engagement, accelerating achievement, and enhancing belongingness and self-efficacy for all students. The Collective leverages relational trust where all members can individually and collectively show up in the fullness of who they are. When the Collective Equity Framework is implemented, the learning community is strengthened through a laser-like focus on increasing the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and stamina of educators in order to implement culturally fortifying practices that are visible.

Foundations For A Successful Tutoring Program

Monday, March 14, 2022 - 4:30pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Aida Allen-Rotell

There are critical foundations that must be present to launch and maintain a successful tutoring program in any school district. With ESSER and California-specific funding available for tutoring, it’s imperative that your tutoring plans are effectively carried out.

 The Social-Emotional Learning Playbook

Tuesday, May 10, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Dominique Smith

Social and emotional learning (SEL), like any academic subject students learn in school, must be expanded upon and deepened, year after year. In this webinar, school leaders Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Dominique Smith focus on addressing not only students’ well-being and SEL development, but also that of teachers and school leaders.

Learn, CA! State Legislators’ Priorities

Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 10:00am

Stay up-to-date on how state legislation, budget, and K-12 priorities will impact your school or district

Hosted by Aaron Heintzman, Senior Professional Learning Advisor, Corwin

Closing the Implementation Gap: Turning Ideas Into Goals—and Goals Into Impact

Tuesday, April 19, 2022 - 12:00pm

Presented by Douglas Reeves, Arran Hamilton, and Janet Clinton

Join us for a free webinar to explore how to bypass the implementation gap in your school or district by implementing the evidence-based and field-tested Building to Impact 5D methodology found in the all-new book, Building to Impact.

Confronting the Crisis of Engagement

Monday, September 19, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Douglas Reeves

In order for learning, teaching, and leadership to succeed, relationships through effective engagement must come first. As the world continues to recover from the global pandemic, teachers and school leaders face the daunting challenge of re-engaging students, academically and behaviorally. This webinar will provide the practical tools needed to improve collaboration between students, teachers, and leaders for better engagement. When students are engaged with peers and adults they develop the skills necessary to organize and focus – essential for success in secondary school, post-secondary education, and the world
beyond school.

The ABCs of Powerful Professional Development™

Monday, April 25, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Daniel Bauer

How to harness the power of your existing time, staff, and resources to transform your school. Top education leader coach Daniel Bauer has a framework to help you integrate more authenticity, belonging, and challenge into your leadership and school that will transform it’s culture and student growth.

Fostering Collective Teacher Efficacy

Thursday, September 20, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jenni Donohoo

In collaboration with Walden University

Collective efficacy is a significant belief system for improving student outcomes. In fact, according to Hattie's Visible Learning Research, collective teacher efficacy is what matters most in raising student achievement. Formal and informal leaders are asking themselves “How can I foster a sense of efficacy in my school?” Here’s your opportunity to get every question answered.
