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29 Results Found for "Brain-friendly teaching and learning"


Solo Activity: Waiter/Waitress
Solo Activity: Waiter/Waitress

In this solo activity from More Energizing Brain Breaks, students practice balance and control as they learn to move a "tray" around their bodies without letting it fall.


Podcast: Body-Mind Connection in Early Childhood Education
Podcast: Body-Mind Connection in Early Childhood Education

Rae Pica discusses the importance of understanding both body and mind in early childhood education with the hosts of The Preschool Podcast.

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Podcast: Movement Is Not Misbehavior
Podcast: Movement Is Not Misbehavior

Author and early childhood expert Rae Pica is featured on the That Early Childhood Nerd podcast to discuss how honoring children's need to move can reduce behaviors we find challenging.

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The InterActive Classroom Introduction
The InterActive Classroom Introduction

In this introduction from The InterActive Classroom, author Ron Nash discusses the role of iGen'ers in the classroom and how to bring them from being passive attendees to active participants.

