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29 Results Found for "Brain-friendly teaching and learning"


Self-Reflection: Developing My Best Self
Self-Reflection: Developing My Best Self

Use this self-reflection tool from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson with your students and help them discover what gets in the way of being their best selves and how they can further develop themselves.


How Our Senses Impact Learning
How Our Senses Impact Learning

In this chapter from Brain-Based Learning, authors Eric Jensen and Liesl McConchie discuss how each of the senses impact learning.


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Clarity for Learning Study Guide
Clarity for Learning Study Guide

Use this study guide to Clarity for Learning to lead a book study and dive deep into the concepts presented in the book.


Self-Reflection: In What Ways Did I Contribute to My Group?
Self-Reflection: In What Ways Did I Contribute to My Group?

Use this self-reflection tool from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson with your students to help them to discover ways that they could be more collaborative and develop a growth mindset in their collaboration skills.


Great Teaching by Design: From Intention to Implementation
Great Teaching by Design: From Intention to Implementation

Authors of Great Teaching by Design John Hattie, Vince Bustamante, John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey lead you through how to turn good intentions into great practice through a model of implementation.

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SEL Skill Trajectory

The SEL Skill Trajectory from The Other Side of the Report Card details social-emotional learning (SEL) skill categories and subcategories, and the specific observational behaviors that compose each across the developmental trajectory. (K-12)


Cognitive/Metacognitive Strategy Instruction Bookmark
Cognitive/Metacognitive Strategy Instruction Bookmark

This bookmark from The Executive Function Guidebook by Roberta Strosnider and Valerie Sharpe includes questions to be asked about learning and questions to be asked about self-regulation.


Self-Care for Teachers
Self-Care for Teachers

In this chapter from Brain-Based Learning, authors Eric Jensen and Liesl McConchie guide teachers through the principles that will support them in sustaining their physical, emotional, and social health so that they can be the teacher they strive to be.


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Six-Step Planning Model for Differentiated Learning
Six-Step Planning Model for Differentiated Learning

This six-step planning model from Gayle Gregory’s Differentiated Instructional Strategies helps teachers make critical decisions about differentiated instruction and assessment.


Introduction: The Invisible Line
Introduction: The Invisible Line

In this excerpt from The Poverty Problem, discover how a strange sequence of events and one individual’s
arbitrary decision shaped the nation’s thinking and behavior toward poverty.


Let’s Spark a Revolution in Early Childhood Education!
Let’s Spark a Revolution in Early Childhood Education!

"Over the 40 years I’ve worked in early childhood education, I’ve believed many times that a revolution in the field was imminent. Heaven knows we’ve certainly needed one, as misguided policies have brought about increasingly inappropriate practices. Surely people who understand child development would finally begin making the decisions about ECE!

Clearly, I’ve been naïve..."

Read the full blog by Rae Pica, author of What If We Taught the Way Children Learn? and What If Everybody Understood Child Development?, regarding her experience in early childhood education and her thoughts on the response of schools to COVID-19.

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Recall/Retention Lesson

Excerpted from The Education Revolution, this lesson groups brain-based learning strategies for increasing the rate of recall and retention more efficiently. 

