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7 Results Found for "PBIS"

Podcast: Three Smart, Effective Alternatives to Suspending Students
Podcast: Three Smart, Effective Alternatives to Suspending Students

How is suspending students working for you? If you’re not impressed with the results and would like to look at alternatives, tune in to this podcast with Dr. Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, author of The PBIS Tier One Handbook (plus Tier Two and Tier Three) on BAM Radio, with Rae Pica and Ben Gilpin.

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Podcast: PBIS: Alternatives to Behavior Charts and Rating Systems
Podcast: PBIS: Alternatives to Behavior Charts and Rating Systems

In this BAM Radio podcast, Dr. Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, author of The PBIS Tier One Handbook, discusses behavior management systems and alternatives to charts and rating models.

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Getting Started With PBIS
Getting Started With PBIS

"The best approach to student discipline is a proactive approach. The more energy a new leader invests in developing systems that support the communication of school expectations, the fewer behavioral interruptions will occur during a typical school day. The fewer disruptions, the less instructional time is wasted, giving students more time to engage in learning and more opportunities to grow." Read more in this article by Scott Trungadi in NAESP's 2018 March/April Issue of Principal.

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Webinar: Building Behavior: How to Select and Implement Behavior Initiatives
Webinar: Building Behavior: How to Select and Implement Behavior Initiatives

In this webinar, Jessica and John Hannigan, authors of Building Behavior, make the connections between Visible Learning and the most popular behavior initiatives implemented across the globe: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Character Education, Restorative Justice (RJ), Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), Trauma Informed Practices (TIPs), and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This webinar describes for school and district personnel how to “build” behavior initiative(s) best suited for their institution using evidence-based best practices aligned to Hattie’s identified influences on student achievement. 

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Chapter 1: Building a Case for Alternative Discipline
Chapter 1: Building a Case for Alternative Discipline

In this excerpt from the 2nd edition of Don't Suspend Me!, authors Jessica and John Hannigan make a case for the use of alternative discipline, including relevant statistics and helpful visuals.

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Webinar: Don't Suspend Me!
Webinar: Don't Suspend Me!

In this webinar, Jessica and John Hannigan will discuss their Don't Suspend Me! Alternative Discipline Framework for designing effective discipline using restorative, reflective, and instructional methods of supports and share lessons learned and new tips for implementation since the publication of the bestselling first edition of Don't Suspend Me!

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Alternative Discipline was always SEL
Alternative Discipline was always SEL

"As students returned to in-person instruction, their behavioral needs have intensified; the impact of trauma from the pandemic on students and teachers, as well as the increase in educator burnout, has resulted in some schools reverting back to traditional, exclusionary practices..."

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