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137 Results Found for "leadership"


Connecting SEL to Academic Outcomes
Connecting SEL to Academic Outcomes

"Skills that students develop in social and emotional learning—empathy, collaboration, and so on—are closely connected to standards in many academic subjects." Read the full article by Mauric Elias, author of The Other Side of the Report Card, on Edutopia. 

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25 Most Important Issues of Our Time
25 Most Important Issues of Our Time

This exceprt from Difference Making at the Heart of Learning outlines the 25 most important issues of our time.


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Case Story: Breakthrough Leadership Underway
Case Story: Breakthrough Leadership Underway

In this excerpt from Breakthrough Leadership by Alan M. Blankstein and Marcus J. Newsome, these case studies highlight important realizations from leaders about students.


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Instructional Leadership at a Distance
Instructional Leadership at a Distance

Chapter 3 from The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders explains how to implement successful instructional leadership at a distance.



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Teaching SEL Skills
Teaching SEL Skills

In this excerpt from Leading for All, the authors explain how to identify and teach social emotional skills.



Chapter 3
Chapter 3

In Chapter three from Breakthrough Leadership by Alan M. Blankstein and Marcus J. Newsom, the authors discuss the key elements of reopening schools during COVID-19.


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Activity: What Role Do Communication and Relationships Play in the Success of Your Students?
Activity: What Role Do Communication and Relationships Play in the Success of Your Students?

This short activity from Engage Every Family, Second Edition, is designed to get you thinking about communication and relationships with families and their effects on student learning.



Activity: School–Family Culture Inventory
Activity: School–Family Culture Inventory

In this culture activity from Engage Every Family, Second Edition, it takes data collecting a step further to understand the beliefs and attitudes of staff members.



Activity: Where You Are
Activity: Where You Are

In this activity from Engage Every Family, Second Edition, your progress in engaging every family is measured.



Chapter 1: Build it For The Long Haul
Chapter 1: Build it For The Long Haul

In Chapter one of Built to Last, Michael Murphy explains how to design, communicate, build, and lead change with a deep understanding of and commitment to how change happens over time.


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Webinar: Maximizing Impact: The Power of Implementation
Webinar: Maximizing Impact: The Power of Implementation

In this webinar, Professor John Hattie will share how to use the DIIE (diagnosis, intervention, implementation, and evaluation) model to ensure teachers are building a variety of instructional approaches to maximize the skill, will, and thrill of learning.

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Webinar: Building a Curious School
Webinar: Building a Curious School

Learn from Bryan Goodwin, author of Building a Curious School, how schools have “flipped the script” on improvement efforts—not by forcing rigid compliance with mandates or implementation of external programs, but by unleashing what’s already inside everyone—students and teachers alike—and waiting to come out: curiosity.

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