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Tommy Thompson

Tommy Thompson is an experienced educational leader and consultant that works with school districts throughout the United States. He has been featured in several publications such as Rigorous Curriculum Design, Common Formative Assessment, Every Day Courage for School Leaders and is recognized nationally as an energetic and passionate speaker.  

Mr. Thompson is among a cadre of educators certified through Corwin to present, facilitate, and coach schools in Professor Hattie’s Visible Learning.  In addition to keynotes and customized workshops for schools, he is certified to present thought leaders work such as Larry Ainsworth’s CFA 2.0 and Teacher Clarity, Gary Howard’s Deep Equity, and Peter Dewitt’s Collaborative Leadership.   

As a school principal, Tommy is recognized for turnaround efforts that transformed a “failing” school, to one being nationally recognized.  He has also been recognized at the state level and called upon to share best practices that have yielded gains in every metric currently used to assess school effectiveness. 

With over 20 years of experience working in schools and the experience of working closely with thought leaders in education, Tommy has the unique ability to bridge theory and practice.