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33 Results Found for "Equity & Diversity"


Equity & Diversity

At Corwin, we believe that promoting equity at all levels of the educational system is a moral imperative that stems from a uniquely human capacity for empathy, fairness, and justice. We are proud to learn from and sponsor the work of brilliant and courageous scholars and practitioners who have made us better people and help us build a better world.

Youth Equity Stewardship Structure

The Path to YES!

Youth Equity Stewardship Model

The five phases of Youth Equity Stewardship ignite a creative energy in students and staff to lead social change.


Youth Equity Stewardship (YES)

Youth Equity Stewardship Foundations

YES Outcomes

Through the 5 Phases of YES, students will gain the skills, training, and empowerment necessary to help recognize educational disparities and become active contributors to bottom-up school improvement efforts.

Success Story

Success Story: Jefferson County Public Schools, KY

The Deep Equity work can help you move the dial for your school or district. These results are from a case study that compared student achievement between schools in the same district that engaged in Deep Equity and those that did not.

Cultural Proficiency Consultants

Get to know our Cultural Proficiency author consultants!

Trudy Arriaga

Trudy Arriaga

Area of expertise: district leadership and implementation
