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Danielle Campese Patti

Danielle C. Patti was born and raised in Jamestown, NY. After pursuing a master’s in education in the field of counseling, she began her career as an elementary school counselor with the Southwestern Central School District. She later moved into a position as a high school counselor within the district to broaden her experience.

Hetzel, June

June Hetzel

June Hetzel, professor and dean of the School of Education at Biola University, grew up in the culturally and linguistically rich basin of the San Francisco Bay Area in the Franklin McKinley School District in south San Jose. Her childhood background shaped her passion for access for all learners.

Witzel, Bradley S.

Bradley S. Witzel

Bradley S. Witzel is an experienced and decorated teacher of students with disabilities and at-risk concerns. He has worked as a classroom teacher and before that as a paraeducator in inclusive and self-contained settings.

Rita A. Moore

Rita A. Moore, a former Title I reading teacher and high school language arts teacher, is a professor of education and associate dean at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. She and her colleague Victoria N. Seeger have worked continuously together since 2001 on research including professional development schools, classroom research for teachers, and RMA, from which they have coauthored several articles.

Victoria N. Seeger

Victoria N. Seeger is a former classroom teacher. A veteran public school teacher of 14 years, Seeger is now a literacy coach for a large school district in Topeka, Kansas, as well as an adjunct instructor at Washburn University in Topeka. She and her colleague Rita A. Moore have worked continuously together since 2001 on research including professional development schools, classroom research for teachers, and RMA, from which they have coauthored several articles.

Ellen Meyers

Ellen Meyers is a founder and senior vice president of Teachers Network and director of the Teachers Network Leadership Institute (TNLI).

Peter A. Paul

Peter A. Paul is vice president of Teachers Network and also serves as national coordinator of the Teachers Network Leadership Institute (TNLI). Additionally, he directs Teachers Network’s New Teacher Resource Program, which helps support thousands of new teachers each year across the U.S.

Kirkland, David E.

David E. Kirkland

David E. Kirkland is assistant professor of English education at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development in the Department of Teaching and Learning. His research focuses on urban youth popular culture, language and literacy, teacher research, and urban teacher education. For five years, Kirkland taught secondary reading and English language arts in Detroit and Lansing, Michigan.
