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Gonzalez, Virginia M.

Virginia Maria Gonzalez

Virginia Gonzalez has an interdisciplinary professional and academic background (BA in psychology, 1986, from the Catholic University of Lima-Perú; MA in bilingual special education, 1988, and PhD in educational psychology, 1991, both graduate degrees from The University of Texas at Austin).

Wells, Christopher W.

Christopher W. Wells

Christopher Wells is the IT policies and communications director for Gwinnett County Public Schools, the largest school district in Georgia. With more than 160,000 students in the district, he responds to the diverse, creative ways technology is being used in classrooms. Christopher presents regularly and his enthusiasm for his topic material is contagious (even if the audience thinks that technology policies and procedures are boring!).

Hinduja, Sameer K.

Sameer Hinduja

Sameer Hinduja is a professor of criminology and criminal justice at Florida Atlantic University. He is recognized internationally for his groundbreaking work about cyberbullying and safe social media use among youth. His research seeks to illuminate how best to promote civility, deter harmful behavior, and proactively reduce victimization online.

Kelly, Judith C.

Judith Cova Kelly

Judith J. Cova Kelly is currently an independent literacy consultant with experience teaching elementary, middle, and higher education classes. Kelly has presented at national and statewide professional conferences on classroom structure, writer’s workshops, reading comprehension instruction, and statewide assessment training. For the Michigan Department of Education, Kelly sat on a committee to revise grade-level content expectations.

Stephen James Valentine

A teacher since 1999, Stephen J. Valentine is currently the Assistant Head of the Upper School at Montclair Kimberley Academy in New Jersey. Valentine oversees curriculum, supervises a team of Department chairs, and advises students while he teaches a variety of English courses.

Kist, William R.

William R. Kist

William Kist has been researching classroom uses of new media for over a decade. His profiles of teachers who are broadening our conception of literacy were included in his first book, New Literacies in Action, and have been expanded to include teachers who use Web 2.0 in their classrooms in his new book from Corwin, The Socially Networked Classroom: Teaching in a New Media Age.

James J. Shaw

James J. Shaw is currently superintendent of schools in Racine, Wisconsin. Racine is an urban school district of 21,000 diverse students located between Milwaukee and Chicago. Before serving as the Racine superintendent, Shaw was the clinical professor and director of the Wisconsin Idea Executive PhD Program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Joyce, Bruce

Bruce R. Joyce

Bruce Joyce grew up in New Jersey, was educated at Brown University, and, after military service, taught in the schools of Delaware. He was a professor at the University of Delaware, the University of Chicago, and Teachers College, Columbia University, where he directed the laboratory school and the elementary teacher education program.

Emily Calhoun

Emily Calhoun currently focusses on school improvement and professional development, where she combines practice and research. She specializes in the language arts, particularly the teaching of reading and writing in the elementary grades and literacy development K-12, including programs for struggling readers.

M. Lane Narvaez

Lane Narvaez is a coauthor of the book The Differentiated School: Making Revolutionary Changes in Teaching and Learning. She has been the principal at Conway Elementary in the Ladue School District, St. Louis, Missouri, for the past 14 years. She has served as an administrator at the elementary, middle, high school, and district levels. Lane has worked in the public school systems of New York, Arizona, and Missouri and has 28 years of teaching/administrative experience.
