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Balka, Don S.

Don S. Balka

Consulting DescriptionDon S. Balka, Ph.D., is a noted mathematics educator who has presented more than 2,000 workshops on the use of math manipulatives with PK-12 students at national and regional conferences of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and at in-service trainings in school districts throughout the United States and the world.

Harbin Miles, Ruth

Ruth Harbin Miles

Ruth Harbin Miles coaches rural, suburban, and inner-city school mathematics teachers.  Her professional experiences include coordinating the K-12 Mathematics Teaching and Learning Program for the Olathe, Kansas, Public Schools for more than 25 years; teaching mathematics methods courses at Virginia’s Mary Baldwin College; and serving on the Board of Directors for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council of Sup

Barbara A. Lehman

Barbara A. Lehman is Professor of Teaching and Learning at The Ohio State University, where she teaches graduate courses in children's literature and literacy at the Mansfield Campus. Her scholarly interests focus on multicultural and global children’s literature and child-centered literary criticism.

Freeman, Evelyn B.

Evelyn B. Freeman

Dr. Evelyn B. Freeman is Dean and Director of The Ohio State University-Mansfield. She also serves as Executive Dean for Ohio State’s regional campuses. Dr. Freeman is professor in the School of Teaching and Learning and teaches courses in children’s literature and language arts. Her research interests focus on multicultural and global children’s literature, and nonfiction literature for children.

Patricia L. Scharer

Patricia L. Scharer is a Professor of Education at The Ohio State University. Her research interests include early literacy development, phonics and word study, and the role of children's literature to foster both literary development and literacy achievement.

Headley, Linda L.

Linda L. Headley

Linda Headley owns and operates Headley Pratt Consulting (1993–present), which provides research, communications, and strategic planning services, primarily in the areas of education and the environment.

Kerns, Gene M.

Gene M. Kerns

A third-generation educator with teaching experience from elementary through the university level, in addition to K-12 administrative experience, Gene Kerns serves as vice president of training and certification for Renaissance Learning, Inc. With more than a decade of experience in leading professional development sessions, as well as taking on the role of presenter at national and international conferences, Kerns has knowledge and know-how of the adult learner.

Kilgore, Sally B.

Sally B. Kilgore

Sally Kilgore is president and CEO of Modern Red SchoolHouse Institute. Her work has appeared in Education Leadership, Harvard Education Review, and American Sociological Review. In the early 1980s, she coauthored High School Achievement with Thomas Hoffer and the noted scholar, James S. Coleman. She has served on the editorial boards of the American Education Research Journal, Sociology of Education, and Review of Research in Education.

Karen J. Reynolds

Karen Reynolds has served as an organizational consultant and facilitator to businesses and schools for over 20 years. While working with MRSH, she has coached teams and principals in large inner city, suburban, and rural districts across the United States. She specializes in helping administrators and school leadership teams design and guide the improvement efforts in their schools. She also works individually with principals as they lead their schools through changes and transitions.

Linda T. Sullivan-Dudzic

Linda Sullivan-Dudzic has spent the past 30 years connecting early childhood to K-12 to the higher education system. Prior to entering the fields of speech language pathology, curriculum and instruction, special education, and Title I, she learned a great deal from her mother, Lillian Sullivan, who started one of the first quality preschool programs in the 1960’s, Nursery School, that included students with disabilities.

Gearns, Donna K.

Donna K. Gearns

Donna Gearns began her teaching career in self-contained preschool, elementary, and middle school classrooms for students with learning disabilities. As an itinerant special education teacher, she discovered the importance of building relationships with staff and directors in community preschool settings, a critical step in the process of developing a Pre-K to 3rd Grade System.
