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Thompson, Gail L.

Gail L. Thompson

Dr. Gail L. Thompson, Founder & CEO of Inspirations by Gail LLC, is a critically acclaimed author of many articles and books; former secondary school teacher; and former Executive Director of Equity at Illuminate Education.

Irvin, Judith L.

Judith Lynn Irvin

Judith Irvin is a professor at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, and the executive director of the National Literacy Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving middle and high school literacy. Her repertoire includes chairing the research committee for the National Middle School Association for six years and serving on the Commission on Adolescent Literacy of the International Reading Association.

Julie Meltzer

Julie Meltzer, PhD, is Senior Advisor for Research, Strategy, and Design at Public Consulting Group’s Center for Resource Management (PCG-CRM) in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She is responsible for the design of consulting services related to 21st Century Teaching and Learning, Response to Intervention (RtI), and Literacy and Learning.

Dean, Nancy D.

Nancy D. Dean

Nancy Dean, EdS, is Professor Emerita at the P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. During her 39 years in education, she has taught middle and high school English, special education, reading, debate, social studies, English for speakers of other languages, and Advanced Placement English. She is also an experienced literacy coach and curriculumspecialist.

Martha Jan Mickler

Martha Jan Mickler, PhD, is currently a private consultant specializing in adolescent literacy. Sheworks with administrators and teachers in classroom and seminar settings with the focus on developing literacy leadership and helping teachers integrate literacywithin academic and fine arts content areas.

Lengel, Traci

Traci L. Anthony-Lengel

Traci Lengel is a Health and Physical Education teacher in the Pocono Mountain School District.  With more than twenty-six years of experience, Traci’s knowledge in movement education, kinesthetic furniture, motor development, lifelong fitness/wellness, health education, movement/technology balance, curriculum design and educational/content publication has contributed to the success of her insightful programs and consultations.  Addit

Kuczala, Michael S.

Michael S. Kuczala

Mike Kuczala has delivered keynotes, given presentations, facilitated professional development and taught graduate courses on 4 continents.

William R. Powell

William Powell has served as an international school educator for the past 30 years in the United States, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Malaysia. From 1991 to 1999, he served as the chief executive officer of the International School of Tanganyika in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and from 2000 to 2006, he served as headmaster of the International School of Kuala Lumpur. He is the coauthor, with his wife Ochan, of Count Me In!

Ochan Kusuma-Powell

Ochan Kusuma-Powell is cofounder and director of Education Across Frontiers, an organization that promotes teacher education toward the development of professional learning communities. A graduate of Columbia University with a doctorate in international education development, she has more than 30 years experience in international education. Kusuma-Powell has developed and implemented inclusive special education programs in the United States, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Tanzania.

Karen D. Olsen

Karen D. Olsen is author, co-author, and contributing editor of two dozen books focusing on using brain research to create schoolwide change.

Hoffner, Helen I.

Helen I. Hoffner

Helen Hoffner is an Associate Professor at Holy Family University where she teaches graduate and undergraduate literacy courses and directs the program leading to reading specialist certification. Her research interests include investigations of literacy related technology such as electronic books and the use of captioned and visually described television and film programs to improve literacy.

Sweeney, Diane

Diane R. Sweeney

Diane Sweeney has been an author and educational consultant since 1999.  The author of Moves for Launching a New Year of Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2022), Student-Centered Coaching from a Distance (Corwin, 2021), The Essential Guide for Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2020), Leading Student-Centered Coaching (Corwin, 2018), and Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves (Corwin, 201
