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Jessica Jane Summers

Dr. Jessica Summers is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies at the University of Arizona. She previously served on the faculty of the University of Missouri-Columbia. Also trained as an Educational Psychologist, Dr.

Lauren Michelle Miller

Lauren Miller is a Nationally Board Certified 1st grade teacher at Durham Academy in Durham, NC. She holds a Masters degree in Developmental Supervision from the Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Counselor Education at North Carolina State University.

Carter, Samuel Casey

Samuel Casey Carter

Samuel Casey Carter wrote On Purpose as senior fellow at The Center for Education Reform. Today, he is Senior Vice President for Global Corporate Social Responsibility for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, a leading global education company committed to addressing education's dynamic challenges through individualized content, innovative technology and a holistic approach that inspires achievement and a lifelong love of learning. He is also Executive Director of the HMH Foundation.

Griffin, Linda

Linda Griffin

Linda Griffin joined Education Northwest June 2004 and serves as the director of the Mathematics Education Unit. Her professional background includes fourteen years as a middle and high school mathematics teacher, as well as eight years working on National Science Foundation grant projects focused on teacher enhancement, gender equity, and parent involvement in the area of mathematics.

Lisa Lavelle

Lisa Lavelle, a senior program advisor in the Mathematics Education Unit at Education Northwest, is primarily involved in providing professional development to K-12 teachers of mathematics through both research grants and contracts with districts. Through the Northwest Regional Comprehensive Center, she also provides technical assistance to state education agencies. Lisa also teaches Math Methods at Portland State University as an adjunct instructor.

Alleman, Janet E.

Janet Elaine Alleman

Janet Alleman is a Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. She is author and coauthor of a range of publications including Children’s Thinking about Cultural Universals and a three-volume series entitled Social Studies Excursions, K–3.

Brophy, Jere E.

Jere Edward Brophy

Jere Brophy was a University Distinguished Professor of Teacher Education and Educational Psychology at Michigan State University.

Barbara L. Knighton

Barbara Knighton is an elementary school teacher with over 20 years of experience in the classroom, including 16 years concentrating on the early grades. She currently teaches fourth grade in the Waverly Community Schools in Lansing, Michigan. Barbara has coauthored or contributed to several books on education, including two with an in-depth look at teaching in the primary classroom.

Robert T. Ley

Rob Ley has taught third and fourth grade in both urban and suburban districts. He received his BA and MA from Michigan State University and is currently teaching in the Haslett Public Schools in Haslett, Michigan. He has presented research at state and national conferences related to making curriculum more meaningful for students by integrating community resources.

Botwinski, Benjamin C.

Benjamin C. Botwinski

Benjamin Botwinski is currently enrolled as a full-time graduate student at the College of Education, Michigan State University, where he is studying educational policy and administration. Prior to becoming a full-time student, Botwinski served as a high school social studies teacher in west Michigan. He currently lives in East Lansing, Michigan, with his wife and two children.

Sarah C. Middlestead

Sarah C. Middlestead is a middle school teacher with seven years of experience in the mathematics classroom. She obtained both her undergraduate and graduate degrees at Michigan State University and spent the first seven years of her teaching career at at a middle school in mid-Michigan. Sarah is passionate about teaching mathematics in an innovative and creative way, guiding students in exploring how mathematics is used in the world in which they live.

Mara E. Sapon-Shevin

Mara Sapon-Shevin is Professor of Inclusive Education in the Teaching and Leadership Department of the School of Education at Syracuse University. She teaches in the University’s Inclusive Elementary and Special Education Teacher Education Program that prepares teachers for inclusive, heterogeneous classrooms.
